Kim Young-ki, president of Samsung Electronics, said:


Samsung Electronics has shown its confidence in the 3.5GHz band technology used for commercial production 5G

Since the 28GHz band equipment, technically more difficult than the band 3.5GHz, has been marketed in the United States,

Samsung Electronics unveiled devices supporting 3.5GHz and 28GHz bands for 5G home communication in Suwon Digital City on the 13th of last month

"This year the stations The basic bandwidths of 800GHz to 10Gbps will be marketed in the United States in the 28GHz band. " "3.5GHz base station equipment has also been developed in the United States."

"Samsung Electronics has been studying the characteristics of 5G radio waves for more than 10 years."

Samsung Electronics unveiled a 28 GHz base station equipment with over 1000 antennas.

Kim Young-kee, president of the company, said, "We have created and marketed a technology that effectively manages up to 24 to 64 antennas."

The following is the content of a face-to-face interview with the leaders of Kim Young Ki and other executives that day.

<img src = "" alt = "Kim Young-ki, President of Samsung Electronics explains the 5G base stations.

– Samsung has highlighted the band of 28 GHz, but the carrier is more focused on the 3.5 GHz frequency auction.

"I can provide the best products at 3.5 GHz to the home market because I have a bandwidth of 3.5 GHz. True 5G technology is a technology capable of handling a wide bandwidth of 800 MHz at speeds above 10 GHz, and Samsung has already marketed: at 28 GHz, with a bandwidth of 800 MHz, has a band 100 MHz and a 64. I think Samsung will do well at 3.5 GHz because of the more difficult technology at 28 GHz. "(19659002)

– How many sales do you expect this year and next year?

" Samsung's network division is growing at double digits every year. When 5G is marketed, it aims to occupy 20% of the global market. "

If the goal is to occupy 20% of the world market, what is the target on the Korean market

The first is to build a national 5G network, and I think the Korean market will be a leading market for other markets. "The goal is to build a national 5G network and provide services to run the market. 5G ecosystem in the world.

"Operators should be able to provide equipment at 3.5 GHz in December I can use the frequency of day 1. Then I will provide the products so that operators do not have to do anything. have no marketing problems. "

" Network pricing is not easy to set up. "

– The price of Huawei equipment is cheaper, You must develop the product to meet your installation needs, and then install additional products to complete the network after the Installation, as well as optimize and improve performance problems, taking into account the ability to actively respond to all these situations. I do not think that there are companies that can do better than Samsung Electronics, which hires thousands of research and development personnel in Korea. "

" Security issues, such as security, security, etc. I think the most important thing is trust: Samsung Electronics wants to be the most reliable and reliable company in the Korean industry. "

" What is the interest of Samsung Electronics in front of Huawei in terms of trust? "

" Up to now, from 2G to 3G and 4G, J & # 39; I worked together on the market and I will do my best to believe in Samsung's network, based on my hard work and my story. "(Kim Young Ki)

– On the market, I think the difference in technology between Huawei and Samsung is about 2 ~ 3 months.

" Samsung Electronics will market a base station with 1224 antennas in the band 28GHz and 800MHz in the third quarter of this year. In comparison, 3.5 GHz will reduce the 800 MHz to 100 MHz and the antenna to 1224 to 64. Samsung Electronics Network Division think we are faster than any other company in this regard. "

" The 3.5 GHz communication equipment is almost completed, and we are in the process of negotiating with the telecommunications company and the supply schedule details about the finished equipment . "

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