Kolon Life Science will catch the American knee arthritis


  Lee Woo-suk, CEO of Kolon Life Science, explains the clinical practice of New Drug Invoices in the United States at Kolon One & Only Tower, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, [사진 코오롱생명과학]

Lee Woo-suk, CEO of Kolon Life Science, discusses clinical practice of new drug bills in the United States at Kolon One & Only Tower, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, [사진 코오롱생명과학]

"In October of this year, we will enter the third phase of trials invasive clinics for American patients. "

Lee Woo-suk, president of Kolon Life Science, told reporters at the Kolon One & Only Tower in the Magok Valley M I said at a meeting. Earlier this month, Kolon Life Sciences announced that it had received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to conduct Phase III clinical trials in the United States to the treatment of knee arthritis. Invivo is a gene therapy of knee arthritis cells that promotes the differentiation of chondrocytes. The Food and Drug Administration of Korea (KFDA) approved the marketing of the company last July and has been selling its products since last December. Invasive is the first cell-based gene therapy drug on the market.

"Over the next three years, we will test Phase 3 clinical trials for 1020 patients in 50 US hospitals over the next three years." By the end of 2021, "It's a plan to put an article endorsement." If the company is allowed to improve the pain and function of the FDA, Invo will be able to generate sales of $ 3.2 billion in the US market, "said Lee.

The osteoarthritis of the knee according to the symptoms is divided into 1 ~ 4 stages.The mild stages 1 and 2 induce a relieving pain with badgesics that weaken the pain, but in the case of stages 3 and 4, surgery is the only treatment except for invasive surgery. "Third-stage arthritis (from knee) is painful enough to stay on flat ground, "he said," the patients' quality of life is so bad that they may be suffering from depression. "In the third and fourth stages, patients suffer from pain for a short period of 10 years and 15 years, "he said.

[1945901] 9] Clinical license document received from US FDA by Kolon Life Science. [사진 코오롱생명과학]” data-src=”http://pds.joins.com//news/component/htmlphoto_mmdata/201807/10/f6cfdc9c-f4a5-43f2-bcb0-83a16145fad6.jpg”/>

Clinical license document received from US FDA by Kolon Life Science. [사진 코오롱생명과학]

Kolon Life Sciences took 19 years to obtain a US clinical license for a new drug. Lee Woong-ryeol, president of the Kolon Group, created Tissue Jin Asia (now Kolon Life Science), which dates back to 2000. It took 19 years to start a business, develop new drugs and reach the third phase clinic in the United States. For this reason, Kolon Life Sciences has acquired all the capabilities to acquire the US marketing authorization of Invo. The company plans to invest only 150 billion won in the lawsuit.

Since last December, national bills have been in the domestic market. Kolon Life Science predicts that sales of its bills will exceed 10 billion won this year. Lee said, "We use bills in 78% of general hospitals." Since its launch last December, we have exceeded 1,000 treatments by the end of May and we plan to do 1,500 treatments here. end of the month.

Nevertheless, there are obstacles to survival for Invasar to become a new global drug. This is a debate on the effectiveness and efficiency of the Invo. In July of last year, the pharmaceutical company authorized the bills, but only to relieve the pain of knee arthritis and improve function. And that the effect on the improvement of knee joints, like normalization, has not been verified. The explanation of this representative is as follows. "The effect of structural improvement may be a sound that is reserved for patients with arthritis suffering from pain.If this does not improve the structure, it is emphasized that it It's just an expensive pain medication – it's true – but it's an expensive painkiller that lasts more than two years without side effects. "

Kolon Life Sciences has signed a contract to treat it. export with a Hong Kong and Saudi company. We also began the expansion of the factory to expand production facilities. The company plans to increase its domestic production capacity, which has a production capacity of 10,000 doses (one dose), to 100,000 doses by 2021.

 Knee Arthritis Treatment Agent from Kolon Life Sciences Invo

Knee Arthritis Treatment Agent from Kolon Life Science Invo.

Kolon Life Science is preparing a new drug for the treatment of gene pain and the virus that kills tumors. Lee said, "The development of genetic pain medication for patients who do not listen to opium-based painkillers has progressed significantly."

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