Korean Jang Hae-sung, the IOC,


[Séoul = Newsweek] Hong Ji-eun, a Liberal Democrat journalist, raised suspicions that Chung Hae-sung, the head of presidential politics, has urged Kwak Tae-seon, former head of the National Pension Fund,

Yoon Young-seok, spokesman for the Korean party, commented on the afternoon of this afternoon saying, "We will engage the president, who is responsible for the funds of the elderly," [19659002AspokesmanforYoonsaid:"Thereportthatapersontriedtosayhellotothecodewithoutnamingthemanagingdirectoroftheoldwagefundmanagementwhichamountedto635billionwonattheendofAprilveryshocking"

He stressed:" The impact on the domestic capital market is huge,

A Yun spokesman said: "there is a hint of intervention from the Chief of the Committee Chief, "This is not the first time," he said, "there was a controversy over parachuting at the time of the CFO last year." "It is true that we are trying to tackle old age funds, we must clarify the reasons. B, e, v, n, t, s) {19659002] [email protected]

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