[KS] Doosan's defense and margin against SK's fall DNA, last winner? : Sports Chosun


The KBO League's KBO League 2018 media day, after the season, was held at COEX on the 3rd. A photo of two-team players with photo.
On the day of the Korean series media day, Doosan Bears, Kim Tae-hyeong, Lee Jong-chan and Jeong Ji-bum, SK Wyverns, followed by Hillman, Kim Kwang-hyun and Kim Kang-min.
Hee Suk Wook reporter [email protected]/2018.11.03/

A team that does not show strength can not win. What is the final result of the confrontation between Korea Series and Korea?

Doosan Bears and SK Wyverns will begin their Korean series on April 4th. The two teams have been facing each other for 10 years since 2008. Doosan and SK then teamed up in the Korean series for two consecutive seasons between 2007 and 2008, and both SKs won the championship. The situation is different now. In 2007 ~ 2008, SK was waiting for the Korean series after winning the regular season. Doosan was his challenger. This time, Doosan waited the opposite and SK entered the Korean series after playing the Nexen Heroes in the playoffs.

Both teams have distinct colors. Kim Tae-hyeong, Doosan coach, said: "The Doosan coach, 10 years ago, did not drink with other coaches after the Korean series, but it is now from the first team of the regular season.We can say that we are stronger because we have done it. "

In particular, Doosan has been steadily winning since 2015 and the championship team has received a strong DNA. As a result, teamwork and co-operation during the game are more delicate than any other team. The athletes know it well. Lee Jung-chan said: "Our team seems to be very good in defense, and the defense is solid." In a big match, the defense is not important because a small mistake dominates the atmosphere. "I think we are at the top of the SK," he said. "I do not think we are good players.

The biggest advantage of SK is the ability of the team to hit the circuit at all times and the atmosphere prevailing in the team during the fifth game of the playoffs. SK will need to be ahead of Doosan in terms of playing. Kim said: "Doosan is a very strong team and the players' abilities are excellent, we can not be ahead in the technical part." "The sense of the game and the atmosphere of the team are clearly above us." . "Fall Man," Kim Kang-min, who won the playoff MVP, pointed out the past by stating that SK was so strong against Doosan in the playoffs. Kim Kang-min said, "We do not know anything else, but we are stronger in the Korean series, we can do well in the playoffs, and we have the spirit and the confidence. "

Two teams of colors and different strengths. Although they have different personalities, both teams have a lot of experience on the big stage and have a lot in common in important games. Which team will be the last to laugh at its strength?

I am a glbad journalist [email protected]

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