KTX fired crews in tears, 12 years of testimonies of rehabilitation


Crew of the KTX fleet & # 39; Cry & # 39; Kim Seung-ha, a member of the KTX fleet, is a member of the KTX rail service industry. (KORAIL) as a full-time employee at the Korea Railroad Corporation (KORAIL), saying, "I love you". ⓒ Nam So Yeon

"Thank you very much, my people."

Kim Seung-ha, head of the KTX train branch, C & # 39; was a place to express gratitude to the people who supported me during the long struggle. Kim Chung, a flight attendant, and his colleagues were reinstated after 12 years (related article: KTX Licensed Crew, hired directly from KORAIL in 12 years). They all bowed their backs and greeted people. And everyone cried. Crew members who were standing in front of the camera crying and crying hugged and shed tears of emotion.

The KTX train team and the National Union of Railway Workers, the countermeasures committee for soliciting crew issues from the KTX fleet, announced the results of the reinstatement of crew members who were fired in 2006,. KORAIL and the railway union reached a spectacular deal this time after five negotiations. President Oh Yeong-sik regretted the suffering of the crew following the dismissal and decided to set up a special recruitment for 180 career crew members.

They can not return immediately to the crew, but they are hired as full-time employees in the field of office work. In the future, KORAIL has agreed to convert if it is directly responsible for bringing the subsidiary into service. In addition, 33 people will be recruited in November this year and the rest will be recruited through special recruitment procedures in the first half of next year. The number of crew members dismissed in 2006 was 292 (the official count of KORAIL was announced the same day), but only those who participated in the trials to confirm the status of workers with the exception of subsidiaries of KORAIL have been settled.

▲ "" "KTX fired the crew in 12 years" "I heard the sound of" tipping eggs with eggs "Kim Seung- Ha, a member of the KTX fleet crew, a member of the railway branch of the KTX Railways Union, laments the news of his full-time reinstatement in the Korean railway company ( KORAIL) "Members of the KTX Firing Crew" "KTX Firing Crew Members" Teams of KTX's dismissal was fired on 21, ▲ "" "This day is really coming," KTX fired. Kim Seung-ha, a member of the crew of the KTX fleet, from the KTX Railway Station Union, sent a report stating that he was reinstated full-time in a Korean railway company (KORAIL) Respecti Kim Seung-ha, head of the Kim administration, said, "I did not know how to say thank you to this place, which was a place of struggle, and it seemed like a dream." "There were twists and I heard a lot of words, but I thought we were right. ⓒ Nam So Yeon

As a result, the reinstatement of the licensed KTX crew members was completed. The shooting team and report participants comforted themselves by remembering the wrestling fight. In particular, the boarding gate of Seoul Station, where the tournament was held, was the place where the crews were shooting in 2008 by stringing chains all over the body. Having tied chains and pressed masks and caps, they could say again in 10 years that they were right and just in the same place. Kim Seung-ha, head of the branch, said: "I always feel like a dream and I can not believe it because I always say thank you to where there was a fight", was -he says. "I could come to this place because there was a lot of support from people, and I appreciate a lot of people who supported me."

"Return of KTX in 12 Years" The KTX Firing Team, "Tears" Finally KTX Fails the Crew He Steals Tears At news that the Korea Railroad Corporation (KORAIL) was reinstated as a full-time worker after 12 years of layoff near the site of the agricultural growth station on the 21st. ⓒ Nam So Yeon

The problem of Crew pulled KTX could be solved earlier and more clearly. Shooting teams filed a lawsuit against KORAIL in 2008 for filing a claim for invalidation and worker status. The first lawsuit in 2010 and the court of appeal in 2011 provided hands to dismissed workers. The Supreme Court, however, has not judged the case for more than three years, but in February 2015, the dismissal was fair and KORAIL was not their user.

The lawsuit was controversial recently, as it was recently announced that the Administrative Office of the Court mentioned in the November 2005 issue of the "Strategy for Effective Negotiation with the BH (Cheong Wa Dae) L & # 39; Court administration ordered the KTX team to file a complaint in cooperation with the regime to seek the cooperation of Cheong Wa Dae at the introduction of the court of appeal. After the decision of the Case, a fired worker took his own life.The shooting teams also went to the Supreme Court of the Supreme Court and organized demonstrations to demand a meeting with Chief Justice Kim Myung-soo. [19659004] About this, Kim Seung-ha, the head of the Kim Administration, said: "We return to the railway, but the fight is not the end. I will fight until the day. "I'm happy to tell you that we were right for a friend and his daughter who can not be together at this place," he said, "I can not wait to see this scene from the sky and laugh "

After completing the construction of the station, which was installed in the west station of the Seoul train station.That is only 60 days after the beginning of the suspicions of the judicial farmers and they recommenced to rally and the end of the reintegration struggle for 4521 days.

The day KTX will fire the crew will be restored … The western part of Kangwon province The new that KTX fired crew members will be reinstated as Korea Railroad Corporation (Korail) full- And demolish the tent for the western part of Seoul. ⓒ Nam So Yeon

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