Latex "natural ignition & # 39; in heat … Reinforced porcelain glass window


I will tell you the news of the endless heat wave.


Acting on the latex pillow on the chair next to the window of the apartment.

This is the screenshot of a fire department that would have felt burning in a Busan apartment

The owner was away from home and the pillow had already burned half

I put the latex pillow on a chair in direct sunlight and I watched the temperature.

The temperature, which was 35 degrees Celsius, rose to almost 90 degrees in less than 30 minutes.

In Gwangju, the fire in the waste depot burned the food factory next door.

[광주 서부소방서 관계자 : 쓰레기들을 쌓으면 그 안에서 열이 갇히는 현상이 있잖아요. 열을 품고 있다가 계속 축적이 돼 가지고 어느 한계점에 도달하면 발화하는 것이죠.]

At the Gwangju Police Station in the west, the tempered porcelain glbad exposed to the burn suddenly burst into plumes.

Seventeen people died during the recent heat wave, 14 of whom died in the last ten days.

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