Launch of the 75-ton Nuriho engine test project … the expected burn time exceeded 140 seconds (1)


Entry 2018.11.28 16:05
| Revision 2018.11.28 16:56

& # 39; 10, 9, 8 ….. 4, 3, 2, 1 & # 39;
Important steps have been taken to acquire a patented space rocket technology.

A 75-ton engine test vehicle, one of the main gates of the Korean peninsula, was launched at the Naro Space Center in Goyang, South Korea, on October 28 at 4 pm, and has exploded.

After the launch of "Naro & # 39; on January 30, 2013, space rockets were launched in Korea only five years and ten months ago. The test launcher launched that day is a model with a weight simulator in the first 75-ton liquid engine used for the Korean launcher "Nuri Lake".

Launch test vehicle installed at the Naro Space Center press center The test launch vehicle was confirmed by live broadcast, increased to 16 hours in the automatic countdown about 10 minutes before the launch at 15:50. About two minutes after launch, the visually confirmed test launcher was broadcast at 185 km four minutes after launch. It is estimated that it has exceeded the burning time of the target engine by 140 seconds, indicating that it has reached the maximum target altitude.

The launch test results, which will verify the flight performance of the 75-ton liquid engine, will be published shortly after the briefing.

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