Leading the problems of Doosan … A silent half-tablecloth and a lethargic fur


New underdog hitters, batting average 0.118

Furankov, who ran 13 times in the first half of the season,

Lee Dae-ho reporter: Outfielder Scott Van Slick (32), who wears Doosan Bears uniform with much hope, is still silent.

Van Slick, a fellow Ryu Hyun-jin (Los Angeles Dodgers), who is already famous for Korean baseball fans, joined Doosan on behalf of Jimmy Paredis,

However, Van Slicke was not able to catch a batting average of 0.118 (2 hits in 17 at-sticks) and a RBI in five games in group 1.

In the first game of the second half, on the 17th, JamSil Lotte Giants, Van Slick was just as bad as non-stop 5-hit.

On the 18th, in front of Lotte, Kim Tae-hyeong, Doosan said, "I do not have time yet." He said that he would give me a little more time.

It is customary for athletes to take longer to adapt to a new league than to throw.

If a thrower throws a ball into his own ability, the batter must deal with a completely new type of thrower.

Kim said, "I do not feel well because I have been on the plane for a few days." "There are players who quickly overcome him and there are slow players.

Do not worry that the slowness of Van Slicek will not affect Doosan.

Doosan ran for the lead without the help of strangers in the first half of the first half, and is still leading the Hanwha Eagles and all six games.

The recent collapse of foreign thrower Seth Furankov (30) is not a problem to look at easily.

Furankov, who continued the KBO League marathon in 13 consecutive wins, failed 3 innings in 2 consecutive games.

On the 10th, Suwon kt wiz played 2 2/3 innings, and on the 17th, Jamshil Lotte fell to 2-1 3 innings.

He is an excellent pitcher with 13 wins and 2 losses, but his average ERP is 3.81, which is not the result of his crash.

Kim said, "If it does not work, it will not be good in the future." "It's a mental problem."

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