
The supreme leagues of the over-watched league, which is based on the city-affiliated system, are in the fourth round of the playoffs in the New York Excelsior (34-6), Philadelphia Fusion (24-16) , LA Valium (27-13)) and London Spitfire (24-16).

The four-team semifinal series of the Over-Watch League will be held on November 19 at 9:00 am at the Blizzard Arena in Los Angeles.

In the quarter-finals series, which was held in the same 3-on-2 series, all were decided to win in the third round.

The Philadelphia Fusion was the winner of the All-Boston Uprising and the Philadelphia Fusion in a two-game losing streak in the final.

Two days later, Boston Strike Fixer STRIKER Kwon Nam-ju played major roles as a tracer and widower and saved his team many times from the crisis.

In the final three stages of both teams' first laps, the Philadelphia Fusion smiled, eventually leading to a win over the Brighouse and helping the team win. The Philadelphia Fusion is a perfect match for the Boston Uprising by providing quick feedback on defeat as it improves in one game unlike the second-stage deficit just before the two-set battlefield, Lijiang Tower.

The Los Angeles Gladiators and London Spitfire were top of the standings with a 1-set score, and the London Spitfire gave the first match 3-0,

London Spitfire, which did not succeed to win the gladiators of Los Angeles in the first season, seemed to have a new nightmare after a 3-0 defeat on the first day of the 12th match.

The gladiators of Los Angeles showed all their respect throughout the season, but at a crucial moment, the virgin and alternative sources of crack players Baek Chan-hyung

The winner of the fourth round of the playoffs Playoffs will be the Grand Final to be held at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York, July 28-29.

The winner of the tournament will win the grand prize of the $ 1.4 million prize, the league trophy and the first historic winner. ]

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