Lee Jae-myeong "actress scandal & # 39; related to the investigation,


  Broadcasters Kim Joon-joon and Zhu Jin-woo are the main journalists. [중앙포토]

Broadcasters Kim Joon-joon and Joo Jin-woo are the main observers. [중앙포토]

Police investigating Lee Jae-myeong's "actress scandal" in Gyeonggi province are expected to convene Kim Jun-joon and reporter Zhu Jin-woo.

Gyeongbunden police plan to call Kim and his journalist as a reference for the branch's accusation on charges of violating the electoral law on the public election law over the past 6-13 Provincial elections said.

Kim Young-hwan, former GNP candidate to the Gyeonggi provincial government, said in the last election that the governor's actress scandal had been revealed: "Joo Jin-woo, Kim Joon-joon and Chung Bong- There are.

Police will verify the suspicions raised against both, including the relationship between the governor and the actor Kim Buseon.

The special committee of investigation of the prospect of abandonment of the seongnam of the future party seeks to forcibly admit his brother in a psychiatric hospital in the debate on broadcasting and to deny the actor Kim bushun, The abuse of law to abuse the abusive brother in a psychiatric hospital, bribery (or bribery of third parties) in the special bargaining law that caused many companies to pay more than 16 billion won of advertising expenses at Seongnam FC which he was the owner Lee accused Lee Jae Myung governor.

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