Lee Seung-woo plays in the second half … Verona, Ascoliere 0-1 L


    Lee Seung - woo, Italian professional football striker from Verona. [사진 헬라스 베로나 페이스북]

Lee Seung – woo, Italian professional football striker from Verona. [사진 헬라스 베로나 페이스북]

Lee Soon-woo (20, Hernandez Verona) played three league games but failed to prevent his defeat.

Verona, the Italian professional football helicopter, lost to Ascoli on July 31 and to Italian Serie B (Pro 2) in the 2018-19 season.

Hellas Verona took the match in 4-3-3. Verona, who had a tough battle against the home club, Ascoli, tried to score at the last minute after replacing Lee Seung-woo in the 38th minute. Two minutes later, however, they lost to their opponent Kavion, who lost 0-1.

Lee Seung-woo scored for the visitors in the last eight minutes, but he was not able to produce a decisive scene despite the sudden loss of the team's atmosphere. It was only three games and it showed that he was included in Fabio Grosso's game plan. Song Ji-hoon reporter [email protected]

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