Lee Sung-yeol finishes Hanhwa 2 wins in a row, 2nd place in the first half Blue water


  Hanwha Lee Sung-yeol [뉴스1]

Hanhwa Lee Sung-yeol [뉴스1]

Hanwha professional baseball ran for two consecutive victories. Fifth hitter Lee Sung-yeol won the team in the final with a 1-2.

Hanwha won 4-1 in the match against Nexen at Hanwha Life Eagles Park in Daejeon on September 10th. Hanhwa, who has recorded two consecutive victories, recorded 51 wins (36 losses). Hanwha will finish in the first half if the Hanwha gets all the remaining two matches in the first half and third place SK does not win the tradition.

Hanhwa Yoon Kyu-jin and Nexen Han Hyun-hee, two starting pitchers, played in a close match. Nexen took a defensive lead from Park Byeong-ho by hitting a big hit in the second and third goals of Kim Kyu-min's goals and Kim Ha-sung's success. Hanhwa made a tie in the third at the end of the offensive, when Hankyung crashed Solo (season 4). Hanhwa scored one and one in the first inning of the fourth inning, but Hankyung hit and tried to double the interceptions. Hanwha made two runners in the seventh, but Yang Sung-woo left the ball and failed to score. Yoon Kyu-jin scored one point in five innings in seven innings, and Han Hye-hee scored one in six innings.

 Kang Kyung Hak graduated from NEXEN on the 10th and won congratulations to his colleagues. [뉴스1]

At the 10th NEXEN exhibition, Kang Kyung Hak received a tie with SoloPho and congratulated his colleagues. [뉴스1]

The finish line came out at the end of the 8th. After the first match, Hoing hit a two-run homer against Lee Bo-keun, and Lee Sung-Yeol hit a home run with a double on the center court. Kim Tae-gyun also beat center fielder Kim Ki-min, who advanced defense, and made a 3-1. After the second game, he watched a hitter from a point. Hanwha put the finishing touches on the ninth round and kept the win. Ahn Myung-myeong scored four wins (2 losses) in the season, and Jung Woram saved 26 seasons (first place) of the season.

In Suwon, KT defeated Doosan 9-1. KT starter Peer Band scored three wins (5 losses) in the season with five hits and a seven-run inning. KT's Kang Bai-ho had a three-game series with a new batting average, followed by Thailand (Kim Tae-gyun in 2001, Choi, 2004). Doosan Furukkopp scored the first defeat of the season with seven points in 2 innings and 2/3. The record number of consecutive wins since the opening ceremony has ended in 13 games.

Professional baseball (10 days)
Nexen 1-4 Hanhwa Doosan 1-9 KT B, e, v, n, t, s) {19659012]

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