Lee Yoo-sung, the first two-stroke gun … Doosan has won 3 consecutive matches (LG, Nexen, Samjin, SK, Dio)


NC, LG wins 4 times with 7 times … Choi Won-tae from Nexen has won 10 consecutive years

Hanwha appreciates KIA with double steel +3 store … kt- Samsung Bottom Workshop

Ji Hyun-koo Choi Young reporter = Doosan Bears fielder Yi Woo-sung (24) led the team's three-game winning streak with his first try and second run after five years in his debut.
[012311] Doosan led the Lotte Giants with a 9-2 win over Yi Chan, starter pitcher, and two Yi Sung races during a visit to the Maika KBO League of Shinhan Bank on May 5th at Sajik Stadium. Busan on May 5th.

Yi-chan scored 9 wins (2 laps) in a row with four straight wins in the Lotte Championship with one point in seven innings.

Lotte scored two points in the bottom of the four-game losing streak with four more than 10 Doosan strokes.

After joining Doosan in 2013 and served in the army, Lee Yoo- In the 4th of the second run, he took the three stores that crossed the right fence of Lotte Felix Dubbront's departure in the first and second bases.

Yi Woo-sung had the best day of his life by bringing back a solo podium to the correct position in the absence of a second runner in the eighth inning while he had done 8- 0 in the eighth inning.

Doosan showed his frightening concentration after removing eight out of nine points.

The Hanwha Eagles finished second with Kia Tigers 8-2 in Gwangju with 49 wins and 34 losses.

Hanhwa scored with a 4-2 lead in the first inning of the seventh inning, leading to a 3-2 lead.

Kia's loopholes in the second and third goals of the first half of the second half of the double took fifth place.

In the 8th, Lee Seung-Yeol stuck the ball with a dominant home run.

Kibus Samson of Hannover scored nine wins (5 losses) with nine strikeouts in seven innings, while Hector Noe City of Kia scored nine hits in six sets and scored five. I won 4th place (8th).

Nexen Heroes beat SK Wyverns 3-2 by defeating Kim Kwang-Hyun, who returned to Group 1 in 23 days.

Nexen collected three points at the end of the fourth at a time and captured the win.

By Lee Taek-keun, Lee Won-kyung's second round, Kim Kwang-Hyun has achieved a two-run series, and Michael Choice has chosen Lee Taek-

Kim Min-sung came out shortly after committing eight fouls, firing the runway in total numbers and hitting Kim Kwang-hyun from a two-point home run on the left fence.

SK scored two consecutive hits with four hits in the eighth inning with a third thrower, Neksen's third thrower, Lee Bo-Geun.

However, in the first and third bases of the first team, Kim Dong-yeop did not pursue after his retirement to third base.

Tracy Hillman asks Kim Hye Sung, Nexen's second-line player, to release a video of the situation saying that he has not followed the base well, but the referee Did not agree that the attacking team would have to read the video.

Nexen's Choi Won-tae scored 11 strikeouts in six innings and pulled SK's total of four hits with 0 hits.

Choi Won-tae, who had 10 wins (6 losses) in the season, won a double-digit victory for the second year in a row. He also scored three wins (unbeaten) against SK.

NC Dynos scored 30 wins (54 losses) in the season, the last of 10 teams to beat the LG Twins 5-3.

NC finished Jamsil 3-in-1 with a 4-point lead in the seventh inning after losing 1-3.

Kim Sung-wook left the ball in the first and second ends of the seventh inning, and I was lucky enough to win the match with a 2-0 win in the second inning.

kt wiz and the Samsung Lions failed to win 2-2 in the 12th round. It was the fourth draw of the season.

The three consecutive victories of kt and the 5 consecutive victories of Samsung continue.

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