"Let's go back to the drama" … Kim Jin-tae and Kim Moon-soo announced the declaration of 320 people


The press conference at the Seoul Press Center on the morning of the 6th,

The press conference in the Seoul Press Center on the morning of the 6th, "The statement of 320 intellectuals for the withdrawal of Moon Jae-in and national defense" (Photo: Yonhap News)

[아시아경제 이승진 기자] More than 300 members of the conservative group, including members of the Liberal Democratic Party of Korea, announced on Dec. 26 that they were demanding the resignation of President Moon Jae-in.

The preparatory committee for the statement of 320 intellectuals to the resignation of Moon Jae-in and the National Guard said at 11:00 am at the press center in Seoul the Jung-gu press center,

The preparatory committee affirmed that "the whole people is devoted to Kim Jong Eun's nuclear hostage" and that "the democratic coup regime of government destroyed the accumulation Institutional 1970s Liberal Democracy ".

In particular, they stressed that President Moon was destroying national security.

The preparatory committee said in its statement: "Kim Jong-un's regime has not changed anything, but Korea is moving towards unilateral disarmament." .

"We have put innocent people in Kim Jong Eun's nuclear hostage by placing all those in front of the North Korean military force in an unprotected state of defense, and they are pushing our people into the shield of international efforts. to disarm North Korea "

"I am convinced that only the conscientious intellectuals of this country have reached the limit they can not tolerate and that they can stand together to condemn the national forces of treason and destructive forces and devote themselves to defeating them. said.

At the preparatory committee, Kim Jin-tae, Liberal Democratic Party member Kim Moon-soo, and Shim Jae-chul, a free member of the Korean National Assembly, introduced themselves.

The proclamation includes the immediate withdrawal of the ratification of the North-South military agreement, the immediate postponement of the declaration of war, the withdrawal of the special tribunal, the immediate withdrawal of the nuclear power station and the resignation of President Moon Jae in.

Representative Lee Seung-jin [email protected]

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