LIG Nexon Completes Development of Next-Generation Multifunction Military Radio … Large-Scale Commercialization of W 2 trillion


Development delay, 66.6 billion won late delay … LIG Nex1 "The final amount is undecided, no reason to call"

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Multifunctional Multifunctional Multi-Band Radio (TMMR) from LIG Nex1. LIG Nex1 announced the end of the delivery of the prototype of this radio capable of transmitting and receiving data as well as the voice.

LIG Nexon today announced that it has completed the development and delivery of multi-band radio tactical multi-band tactical (TMMR), the next-generation military communications equipment.

TMMR is a key next-generation Tactical Information Network (TICN) system. It is a tactical radio that integrates various communication functions into a single radio.

However, as the development lagged behind the initial forecast, the Defense Science Research Institute (ADD) awarded it a "Battle System Radio Powered Retirement Award," worth $ 66.6 billion. of won.

LEG Nexon said: "In order to ensure optimal performance on the Korean field, dozens of special technical examinations and ROC changes have been made to the research and development process, C & # 39; was because of that. "

In addition, LIG ​​Nex1 stated that ADD had imposed deferred prices, but the amount was not confirmed.

LIG Nex1 explained that the final amount would be determined through a contract settlement contract, an outstanding payment for overdue cause and a contract deliberation committee.

In particular, a leader of LIG Nex1 said: "Based on the previous cases, the first price, which is imposed on the company, was decided at 10%." We will continue to focus on the activities related to deferred prices. "

In addition, the manager said: "We have accumulated sufficient reserves to prevent pre-existing risks in the TMMR project and even if money is drawn from the project, it will have little impact on future results."

The TMMR project is expected to be completed over the next two years and the TMMR project, which is expected to take place next year, we can contribute to the creation of jobs as well as the stabilization of management. from the company. "

Meanwhile, there is concern that the domestic industry is overburdening the companies by imposing a deferred payment to LIG Nex1.

"The TMMR contract is worth 329 contracts," said an industry official who had requested anonymity, stating that "the supervisor imposing a delay in the payment of the unclear cause of the liability of the company, "The industry estimates that it represents too much double the amount of 100 million won."

"To alleviate the problem of delayed retirement system, the upper limit of the limitation of the research and development project was limited to 10% of the deposit paid during the review of the application decree relating to 2016 However, the TMMR project started prior to the revision was not covered by this regulation. "" It is necessary for the government to take a proactive stance on the amount of liquidated damages by clearly badyzing the cause of the damage. " company using the purpose of the amendment of the law. "

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