Lim Chang-yong, 42 years old, starting pitcher KIA


The veteran pitcher Kia Tigers Lim Chang-yong (42) is on the mound with a starting pitcher on the 20th.

  KIA Lim Chang-yong is in the heat of the action. Kwangju = Yang Gwang Sam reporter

Kia Lim Chang-yong defends himself.

Kang Kyu-tae, Kim Ki-tae Kia's coach, said that he will line up Chang-yong Lim before the Samsung Lions on the Gwangju Kia Champions field on the 19th.

KIA has moved the foreign pitcher Pat Dean to the paddock. So, I was worried about a map that would fill the opening slot and then I hit the Lim Chang-yong enclosure pitcher. Kim plans to throw 80 balls at Lim Chang-yong in the match of 20.

Lim Chang-yong's last appearance in the KBO league was the Hyundai Unicorns Daegu on September 30, 2007, while he was a member Samsung Lions. At that time, he was a losing pitcher with six points in three innings. Lim Chang-yong will return to the starting mound in 3946 days when he returns on August 20th. Lim Chang-yong scored last season with a Lotte Giants 6-inning non-goal shot on August 21, 2007.

Lim Chang-yong has 2 wins and 1 loss, 4 saves and a 2.70 ERA in 25 matches this season. The longest race of this year was the two and a half-inch win over the Doosan Bears in Gwangju on May 10th. At that moment, a race was given. Lim Chang-yong, who was in his forties, has had ups and downs this year. He was canceled from the entry of the first team on the 8th of last month, and stayed in the second group for 32 days.

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