Lotte home purchase, consultation order is intelligent AI


Lotte Home Shopping (Yiwan Shin CEO) has created a consulting service using large data technology and artificial intelligence (AI) by introducing an Automatic Response System (ARS) and a guide system of consultation.

Voice Recognition ARS is a service that recognizes the voice of the customer and completes the process of selecting the product for payment. The convenience of use has been improved by reducing the control time by 60 seconds, rather than manually entering the button. Lotte Home Shopping badyzed the bulky data of customers with frequent orders via ARS and provided an ARS voice recognition service to customers using the same phone number, address and the same card.

When Lotte Home Shopping buys products broadcast on Lotte Home Shopping using the ARS Speech Recognition, just answer "Yes" or "No" as part of the service upgrade process using AI technology, we introduced ARS voice recognition. We develop the service step by step by badyzing the customer's purchasing trend and aiming to provide a personalized service for each target. Earlier this year, we launched the KakaoTalk Order Service, which allows users to easily order broadcasts and catalogs without connecting to ARS or agents.

We applied AI technology to the customer consultation system to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the consulting service. Lotte Home Shopping recently applied "Robotic Process Automation" (RPA) to the consulting system. RPA is a solution that automates the repetitive tasks that people are dealing with using a robot software, and the staff only needs to confirm that the data is correctly recorded according to the conditions. As a result, the board staff can follow the tips presented automatically at each step of the customer's response, such as ordering and shipping, and confirm that the information has been correctly entered. Lotte Home Shopping expects to shorten customer consultation time by 20 seconds with the introduction of the solution and that the adjustment period of new advisors will generally be shortened from three months to a month.

In addition, Lotte Home Shopping We operate a "VIP Consulting Service" for the most successful customers and we are dedicated to providing personalized services for each target. It is a principle that a dedicated consulting center is operated to connect advisors with no waiting time, close management of professional advisers, and inquiries within 2 hours. In addition, the advisor has a large data-driven consulting service that separately implements a "single view" screen on the consultation process screen so that the agent can capture detailed information such as ordering information and incomplete service.

The CEO of Lotte Home Shopping, Yim Il-seop, said: "As a result, we are able to provide the most convenient service for teleshopping customers.We will focus on the improvement of efficiency and accuracy by applying Big Data and AI technology to the consulting service. "We will increase the convenience of customer use by establishing an advanced system including a customized introduction based on the badysis. customer orientation. "

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