Lotte launches "Kauff: Vacation" on Seokchon Lake after "Rubber Duck" Super Moon "


  Lotte distributes KAUS: Holiday & # 39; on the lake & # 39; Seok-chon & # 39; after 'Rubber Duck Super Moon'

Lotte Distribution Commercial Division with Songpa-gu, Lotte Tosan and Curator from August 19 to 19,

'Causes & # 39; is a pop artist from New York, USA and uses the original character 'Companion & # 39; to present the public art project & # 39; Kauff: Holiday Korea & # 39; from the world pop artist & # 39; Kau & # 39;

A public art project in which KauS is exhibited on Lake Seokchon is "KauS: Holiday", 28m long (length: 25M (horizontal), 5M (height), using the original characters of KAUSMAN , expressing "the way to escape from everyday life, to forget everything and to look at the world and to relax" The. Through this, we plan to provide a place for the chances to reflect on the life of busy and hardworking modern people, to comfort all who live in the present era, and to think of the true "rest."

This is the fourth public art project to stand for the fourth time on Seokchon Lake, after Duk (2014), Super Moon (2016) and Sweet Swan (2017), a summer holiday season for citizens and tourists.

Recently , social changes like shorter work hours and work culture have increased free time, and the interest in Cultural contents such as public art, exhibitions and shows are increasing.

In fact, according to the total statistics of visitors to the Festival of Performing Arts of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, 2 The number of visitors to the performing arts festival in 2005 was 22.55 million, a sharp increase over 2012 and 2010.

The public art project, which has been taking place at Seokchon Lake since 2014, has made Lake Seokchon an attraction. About 5,200,000 visitors to the Rubber Duck Project and 5,910,000 visitors to the Super Moon Project visited Seokchon Lake In April 2017, the Sweet Swan Festival attracted 6.5 million visitors, including the Seokchon Lake Cherry Blossom Festival and pyrotechnic show.

On the other hand, Lotte Distribution Business Division and Lotte Tosan added a two-story "Photo Tower (6M)" near the Seokchon Lake waterfall to give more pleasure to visitors attending this event.

An umbrella and a sunbath will be installed near the waterfront stage, and an F & B pop-up store and photo area will also be set up to create an urban resort environment. . In addition, during the exhibition period, there will also be a "Kaus Pop-Up Store" located near the underground sculpture of the 1st floor of the Jamsil Avenue World Tower, and limited edition items such as "Kaus : Holiday "and T-shirts.

"After the construction of the Lotte World Tower, we introduced rubber ducks, supermarkets, sweets and swans to Lake Seokchon. This year, we will present Jamsil and Seokchon Lake as a new domestic cultural space. "We will do our best to make the event more enjoyable for many visitors seeking the Seokchon Lake by resting a moment on the significance of"

Lee Joo-hyun, journalist specializing in Distribution [email protected]

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