Low levels of HDL are likely to cause cardiovascular disease … Cuban Policosanol help


Low levels of HDL are likely to cause cardiovascular disease ... Cuban Policosanol help

According to the National Health and Nutrition Survey (2016), the incidence of cardiovascular disease due to long working hours was 1.4 to 10.9% for men. This is two to three times higher than that of women between 0.5 and 3.3%. According to statistics released by the National Statistical Office in 2017, 30.7 men and 25.0 women per 100,000 people died from ischemic heart disease, which resulted in a greater number men than women.

Cardiovascular diseases can cause sudden death in severe cases and it is important to prevent them by the usual treatment. It is generally recognized that LDL and triglycerides, bad cholesterol, accumulate on the walls of blood vessels and become clogged, resulting in poor blood supply. The onset of the disease can lead to short-term morbidity and it is necessary to maintain cholesterol levels continuously.

Good cholesterol, HDL level management is also important. There is also a statistic that higher HDL levels are more likely to cause cardiovascular disease, even if LDL levels are normal, rather than higher LDL levels.

To maintain normal LDL, triglyceride and HDL levels, diet and exercise should be combined. However, it is actually difficult to continuously manage people at the intermediate / higher level who can not escape excessive workload and frequent meetings. In this case, healthy functional foods that have been proven to improve cholesterol lowering function can be beneficial for improving cholesterol levels.

Policosanol is a popular product among middle-aged / older people in recent years and is found in Cuban sugar cane. The functionality of Cuba's policosanol has been demonstrated in tests on human applications. Adults who consumed 20 mg / day of Cuban policosanol for 4 weeks increased their HDL levels by 29.9% and their LDL levels by 22%. This is the result of the demonstration of the functionality of Cuba's policosanol, which increases good cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol.

Policosanol, approved by the Korea Food and Drug Administration for its ability to help improve cholesterol levels in the blood, only has policosanol – sugar alcohol from Cuba's sugar cane.

The ingestion of sugarcane or ordinary plant powder powder that can not be confirmed originally has not been recognized as having the function of improving cholesterol levels.

If you are planning to buy policosanol, it is important to make sure that you have a Cuban Policosanol license number, which is approved by the Korean Food and Drug Administration.

Online news team reporter [email protected]

[저작권자 ⓒ디지털타임스 무단 전재-재배포 금지]
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