LS promoted president … Main retention of CEO of affiliates


Yu Mi Lee Head of Division, first female executive

Kooja was promoted to president of LS Mtron as vice president. LS Group announced the creation of a regular executive committee in 2019 to promote 28 people, including a chairman, five executive directors, eight executive directors and 14 new directors.

The number of executives in the main subsidiaries, including LS Cable, LS Industrial Systems, LS Nikko Copper and LS Mtron, was selected. The LS group said: "Greetings from staff for next year have slightly reduced the rate of promotion in anticipation of prolonged global economic growth." We focused on stabilizing the organization by retaining CEOs major affiliates whose capabilities have been proven. "

Mr. Koo and LS Mtron will be responsible for the Digital Innovation Promotion Team, a new LS organization. The Digital Innovation Promotion Group will implement the "Digital Conversion" project, which is the future strategy of the group. It will focus on creating synergies and training human resources between subsidiaries.

LS has promoted women as executives for the first time since its founding.

Yoo Mi-soo, Director of Business Strategy Division (Director), promoted as a new leader, continued to optimize the portfolio of business, found new growth drivers for the business. the future and proceeded to the digital conversion of the holding LS Group in 2010 through the intermediary of McKinsey Consulting and Doosan Corporation.

Kim Jae-hee reporter [email protected]

◇ LS △ Director Yumi Commercial factors

LS Cable Cable △ Kim Hyung-won non-executive director Lee Lee Jae-young business executive Kim Seung-hwan Lee Siho △ Director Lee Kyung-Ro Son Min-kook
◇ LS Industrial Systems Sales Director Lee Jeong-joon His Tae-yoon Ahn Gil-yong Director Park Suk-won Kim Byung-kyun President of the College of Science

LS Nikko Copper Smelting △ Finale of the executive △ Director Yoo Sung-hwan

◇ LS Mtron △ Business However,

◇ Gaon Front Line However,

◇ E1 Commercial Director Kim Soo Keun

◇ Yesco Holdings Kim Chang-jin Non-Executive Director Han Sang-cheol

◇ Yesco Director Non-Executive Director

◇ LS Cable Asia CEO Kwon Young-he △ white man in motion

◇ LS Build Winn △ Representative Directors

◇ LS Metal △ Chief Executive Officer

◇ LS Uta △ CEO

Networks LS Networks
△ Director Jang Jin-hyung

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