"Lunar and red sun" Kim Sun-ah, from drama to PR!


[베리타스알파=신승희 기자] Actor Kim Seon-a again plays a role of promoter of the drama and promoter of fairy tales, becoming a "trustworthy" actress with "Red Moon Blue Year".

The MBC's "Red Moon Blue Sea" mini-series, released today (29), is a mystery thriller that retraces the truth by discovering a questioning child, a woman confronted with a question. Despite the fact that he is challenging his first genre of crime thriller, Kim Sun-a, who left an intense impression of the first broadcast, perfected the genre of thriller based on an authentic acting game that accentuates drama immersion, there is a lot of popularity.

Despite this overwhelming interest and subjectivity, the "Red Moon Blue Sea" is a kind of mystery thriller whose popularity and audiences are not easy to increase. Kim Sun-ah's efforts to become an official advertising fair have been central to these results, as well as a deep empathy with viewers for Kim Sun-ah's outstanding performance, which strengthens the work and the immersion of the drama.

First, Kim Seon-a appeared with a pretty headband in her hand during the official event, such as the radio presentation of the production of "Red Moon Blue Year", which had just begun. The title of the drama "Red Moon" and "Blue Sea" was the idea that Kim Sun was a direct thought to create the title of "Red Moon Blue Sea", which is somewhat difficult and confusing, intense and interesting. Kim Sun-ah showed her enthusiasm and enthusiasm for her work by directing the Red Moon + Blue Sea Handmade Headband and digging the entire program.

In addition, Kim Sun-a reveals her experienced appearance of using her SNS personal account to promote. Trailer badociated with "Red Moon Blue Year". Photos always cut and on the spot. In particular, Kim Sun-a played an advertising fair role through her SNS during the first day of broadcast of "Red Moon Blue Sea" by going to "Poomsae shooting event". Kim should hold a weekly shooting tournament every week until the end of the drama. So we expect him to continue his role as an advertising fairy for a while.

Red Moon Blue Sea, the MBC Tree mini-series, which has been 100% proven as a reliable actor and has given him the opportunity to once again confirm his power, is broadcast 5 to 6 times aujourd & # 39; hui.

Kim Sunah. / Photo = Good People

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Shin Seung-hee reporter [email protected]

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