Major Law "Mitsubishi, Compensation for forced …" End of 18 years


Yesterday (29), the Supreme Court ruled that victims of forced labor in Japan are responsible for the damages caused to Japanese war criminals. The victims were also convicted of working-clbad victims who had mobilized colonial women subjected to forced labor.

It is reported by journalist Ryu.


The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Co. in a lawsuit filed by 23 victims of forced victimization.

Four victims of the women's strike and one survivor also handed the victims in a lawsuit against Mitsubishi.

The Supreme Court ruled that 80 million won would be paid to victims of forced labor and that 100 million to 150 million won would be paid to victims of labor and mental illness.

The decision of victims of forced evictions was filed 18 years after the start of the trial.

[박재훈/원고 故 박창환 씨 아들 : 다섯 분이 작고하시고 저희 2세들이 이런 결말을 보게 되니까 참 참담하군요.]

Although all grandmothers with work-related psychiatric disorders are alive, most of them are in poor health. Yesterday, Kim Sung-ju's grandmother only appeared in court yesterday.

The Supreme Court ruled in 1965 that the right to claim damages from victims did not extinguish through the Korea-Japan Claims Treaty, and followed the judgment of the Nippon Steel Corporation last month. .

The Supreme Court again clarified Japan's responsibility to victims of forced eviction and this case is expected to affect 12 similar cases in the course of trial.

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