Majority of the Judiciary … Replaces 5 Supreme Court Justices in Government Mandate –


Entry 2018.07.03 03:00

Two of the three candidates for the new Supreme Court …

Meanwhile, Supreme Court justices have pointed out that the Supreme Court judge focuses primarily on the law school of the Supreme Court. Seoul National University, a man of about fifty years, judge judge. Kim Myung-soo, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Justice, proposed on February 2 that Kim Sun-soo, Lee Jong-woo, chief of the Jeju District Court, and Roh Jung-hee, Lawyer (Kim Sun-soo), wife (Roh Jung-hee), and non-Seoul National University (Dong-won, Roh Jung-hee).

At the same time, however, it is also said that the Supreme Court has made a clear commitment to change the Constitution of the Supreme Court into a progressive law. The appointment of Chief Justice Kim to the Supreme Court was the second since last year, Ahn Chol-Sang and Min Yoo-suk. Both come from the judiciary and have a particular tendency.

Supreme Court Chief Kim Jae-hee is a member of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Korea and successor of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Korea He is the Chairman of the International Study Group on human rights law. He was a judge of the Supreme Court of the Supreme Court of the People's Republic of Korea, a member of the Supreme Court of the Korean Peninsula. And this time, the Supreme Court Justice, who is a vbadal of the judiciary, has proposed to name a person with a similar tendency.

The current administration has appointed 13 justices of the Supreme Court, including the Chief Justice, to 13 warrants. . It is rare that a regime monopolizes the appointment of a judge, as Park Geun-hye has been indicted. Since the inauguration of the current administration, eight have been replaced and five more will change. However, if candidates for Supreme Court judges go to the National Assembly hearing, four out of a total of 14 will come from certain backgrounds such as the law and the rights of the Supreme Court. man and justice of the Supreme Court. This is unprecedented. In the Legislative Assembly, Kim said, "This time the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has shown a clear trend towards the justice of the Supreme Court, and there is a good chance that he be asked to appoint such a candidate.

The same goes for the Constitutional Court. Eight out of nine judges are changing in the current regime. Especially in September of this year, 5 judges are changed. Nine of the members of the Constitutional Court are appointed by the President, the Chief Justice and the National Assembly. Among the five members, Kang Il-won, Ahn Chang-ho and Kim Ie-soo are appointed by the National Assembly, while Kim Jin-su, Kim Jong-chong is appointed by Kim Myung-soo. In April of next year, President Moon Jae-in will appoint former President Park Geun-hye, who will replace Seo Gi-seok and Cho Yong-ho as judges. Mr Moon has already appointed Judge Yu Nam Suk, who was a member of the Legal Research Council last year. This trend is expected to continue in the future.

The presidential term is five years and the mandate of the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court is six years. Even if the plan changes, there will be similar problems in the following plans and all the following. The Supreme Court and the Constitution play a role in determining the direction of social values ​​through important decisions and decisions. To be able to do this, we must be able to converge widely in the opinions of society. It is practically difficult to play this role if the judges of the Constitution or the Constitutional Court are appointed by almost the same President, and it is also biased to a certain tendency. An attorney of a chief justice said: "It is desirable to diversify the constitution of justice and the Constitutional Court, but it is very inappropriate to endow it with a certain tendency," he said. he declared. [ad_2]
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