Marine Corps "Marine On, Vibration from the end of June Vigorous Maintenance"


A Navy officer who crashed into an offshore marine helicopter was confirmed to have undergone intensive maintenance since the end of June, "We had more than 150 hours of flying experience and check every 50 hours for scheduled flights, "said Marinon No. 2, who said:" All planes have vibrations, but since June, the vibration has become worse than usual. "

According to an official, the accident helicopter was taken over by the Marine Air Force on January 10, and then tested for more than 150 hours before the accident

However, before the regular inspection, I felt a strong gas vibration on the 29th of last month before regular inspection.

A Marine Corps officer said: "All aircraft were under maintenance due to the fact that there was a vibration phenomenon." (The day of the accident)

The accident helicopter was completed by a vibration problem after the helicopter manufacturer, KAI, was responsible for the maintenance.

Only a pilot with a flight test license may perform a flight. Lieutenant-Colonel Kim (46 years old) caught the pilot

The accident helicopter was at a height of 10 feet (about 3.3 m above the ground for about five minutes and then received clearance to fly to the control station.

When we reached the height of 10 meters above the ground after takeoff, the main rotor (main wing) fell and the plane crashed on the ground. Five of the six soldiers on board were killed and one wounded.

Immediately after the accident, the Marines formed an accident and accident investigation committee in conjunction with the Coast Guard, Air Force and Air Force, and conduct research in three areas: theft, maintenance and general.

The Marine Corps decided to badociate the Board of Auditors with an inquiry committee to identify the cause of the accident, accept the requests of the bereaved families and allow the private experts to participate.

A Marine Official

Three National Defense Technology and Quality Office staff originally appointed the Investigation Committee, but Marine One's repair prototype

The investigation committee is responsible for the investigation, witness statements and closed circuit television (CC) documents, as well as related documents I have had.

The Marines responded: "After completing the basic investigation, the investigation committee will investigate the causes of the accident through an accurate badysis and identification of the cause of the accident and to the verification. "We will identify the cause of the accident in a neutral and objective manner so that there is no doubt based on scientific basis with various possibilities in the mind. "

He said," When the investigation is completed, I will inform the family and the people of the result in a transparent manner. "

" I present my condolences to the family of the deceased, (19459008) [email protected]

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