"Mars approach in 15 years" Yekcheon Astronomy Space Center 31 day observation event


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4 simultaneous observations of planets from the solar system

Mars will be the closest to the Earth in 15 years. The Yecheon Space Astronomy Center will host an open observation event on the planet.
[예천] The Yecheon Space Astronomy Center opens an open-plan observation event on March 31 with the approach of Mars.

Using a large telescope of 508 mm and various astronomical telescopes, you can observe the appearance of the planet at the naked eye, listen to the explanations and observe directly . Especially on this day, Mars is the closest approach to the Earth.

On this day, Mars is approaching 57.59 million kilometers on Earth, because the smaller Mars can not see any particularities unless it is the Great Approach. In 2003, there were approximately 57.56 million kilometers of land. It's been 15 years since the Earth and Mars are close to this distance, 400 million kilometers, 400 million kilometers.

This makes Mars grow 7 times in size and 16 times in brightness. You can also see exactly the red surface of Mars nearby. Above all, it is possible to observe in detail the Martian Polar Room, which is a frozen ice on the surface of Mars. Mars is normally approaching Earth at a two-year cycle and two months, but the major approach occurs at a 17-year cycle. Following the approach in 2003, the next major approach is expected to be in 2035.

The Astronomical Telescope shows the mysterious appearance of planets such as the phase change of Venus, the red surface of Mars, the Jupiter stripes, the 4 satellites of Galileo, The characteristics can be observed directly. Cho Jae-sung, director of the Yecheon Astronomy Space Center, said: "There are eight planets circling the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. be observed in the night sky with the exception of the earth, and it is a very rare opportunity to see four planets among them at the same time. "

Meanwhile, If you enter the Center Yecheon Astronomy space according to, you can participate for free. For more information, please visit the website of the Yekcheon Space Astronomy Center (www.portsky.net) and call (054) 654-1710.

Journalist Jang Sukwon [email protected]

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