Maternity Document July Press Release Mystery of Motherland Sketch




Following the controversy of the Minister of Defense of Song Young-moo and documents relating to martial law, His clarification is not clear.

On March 13, Cho spoke to a spokesman for Cheong Wa Dae on the 13th, saying, "The martial law documents have not been reported until recently." However, according to Cheong Wa Dae and the Department of National Defense, the chief could have known at least two facts before being denounced.

The first is April 30th. At the secret meeting of Cheong Wa Dae on the same day, President Roh Jong-seok also attended the meeting, and Cho heard his letter from Defense Minister Song Hyung-moo. Song said in an admission statement on the 16th, "We mentioned the presence of documents to Cheong Wa Dae staff at the end of April," admitted the Cheong Wa Dae. However, Cheong Wa Dae explained that the problem was raised only as one of the many reports on the direction of civil service reform.

However, it is from a political point of view that it is difficult to convince the head of government that he was unable to seize the case sufficiently important to give twice the special instructions.

The second is June 28th. On the same day, the Department of National Defense officially reported to the Blue House the documents of the officer's martial law examination.

At the time, Minister Song delivered the documents to the Chief of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Jang Hae Sung, Chief of Policy and Judge Lee. An official of Cheong Wa Dae said: "The documents communicated to the three chiefs will also be forwarded to the chief chief, because the head of the ministry is responsible for the agency. It's a point of intersection with the explanation of Mr. Cho who knew the press.

In response, the grievor said: "The documents submitted at that time may not have fully recognized the gravity of the report," It seems that this is the moment when we identified key issues such as the plans related to martial law. "

Another key official also said:" Is not it true that Joe Chung spoke of this point in a comprehensive way ", but he does not know when Joe was specifically pointed out I did not do it. "

Following Song's report, the Cheong Wa Dae rushed to evolve as the controversy continued until the moment of recognition. cho. A key official from Cheong Wa Dae met with reporters on the 17th and said, "I do not think this document is able to realize the seriousness of the problem if I saw the document." "We are aware of the seriousness of the problem." I do not know how many times my staff has reported to President Moon, but I'm getting more and more accepted in the reporting process, "he said. 19659004] However, inside Cheong Wa Dae, there are concerns that the controversy will increase over time and the method of reporting.A head of Cheong Wa Dae said: "It does not matter. It is not advisable to discuss when the municipal government was prepared for the candlelight vigil or when it reported the document.

Kang Tae Wha reporter [email protected]

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