MB Butler & # 39; Kim Baek-joon, an innocent heart … Check "I'm crazy" VS lawyer "Unexpected result" – Chosun.com


Entry 2018.07.26 14:12
| Revision 2018.07.26 15:40

"No Charges of Corruption, No Value"
"Awakening of the Government"
"The Dementia Controversy" Kim "The VS Defender" Unexpected Result "

L & # 39; Former general secretary of Cheong Wa Dae, Kim Baek-joon (78), handed over to Lee Myung-bak for receiving 400 million won from the National Intelligence Service, was found not guilty. allegation of aid to corruption was innocent, and that the allegation of allegedly supporting the loss of the national treasure was "the error of the prosecution in the application of the law and the allegation has already pbaded. "

Former presidential secretary Kim Baek-joon (78), allegedly charged with crimes against humanity, was found guilty at his trial June 26 and leaves court. / Journalist Park Hyun Iik

Kim, who was put on trial, was found not guilty Kim was handed over to the court for his involvement in former National Intelligence Service president Kim Seung-ho in 2008, and former NIS director Won Se-hoon in 2010, badigning him a total of 200 million won, or 400 million won

It has been held that the "premium", which is a key element of corruption, has not been established. The court said: "There have been instances where old NIS funds have been provided to the Blue House regardless of the original purpose of the NIS, and the former Kim Planner Would probably have considered regular budget support for higher institutions.

The prosecutor's allegation that the charge of abandoning the national treasury by the charge was applied to the wrong law. Judge. In the case of specific criminal offenses, criminal law should be applied to criminal justice. The special law states that the state's cash-loss charge will increase the sentence if a person prescribed as an accounting employee dodges the state's or municipal government's money. .

The court said: "It can be recognized that the NIS was used for irrelevant NIS expenditures, but it is not the same as for the NIS," If a person who is not NIS Not a friendly relationship is involved in a crime like this, it should apply the crime of serious embezzlement under criminal law instead of the crime of loss of public treasure. "The statute of limitations for suspicion of loss of the national treasury under the special law on negotiation is ten years, and the statute of limitations for serious simple crimes is seven years.The court said: "In February this year, when the prosecutor accused Kim of a prosecutor's office, the counting date has already pbaded since 2010, when the crime was committed. "

The prosecution was embarrbaded when a series of innocent judgments were made. the court said, "I'm crazy. It's clean. Very, "he said, former Kim Jong Il of Kim Jong Il's administration also reacted unexpectedly.A lawyer who was in charge of Kim's defense lawyer said "We know our prescription has pbaded and we have not discussed it."

Kim, former vice president, "I do not know," he told reporters, "I'm not ready … "With regard to health problems, he said:" I am in good health. "

On this day, the decision on Kim's planner is likely to affect the trial of the Former president. This is the first time that the court has rendered a judgment on the non-payment of non-payment of NIS in the case of Lee Myung Bak.

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