Meeting of the heads of government innovation held, announcement of the government's best innovation practices


Officer of the 10th year Mr. C has the idea to innovate in all departments. However, it was difficult to tell the idea with the invisible wall between departments. The Ministry of Maritime Affairs has reorganized old practices, such as departmental divisions, and introduced "venture" type organizations composed of staff from different departments.

<img src = "" alt = "The Ministry of Public Administration and Security (KCB) will hold the third meeting of the Government innovation commissioners at the Seoul government headquarters on 26.

The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of the Environment, including the case of "Operation of a joint venture for the first time in government departments"

The Minister of Public Administration and Security, Kim Bum-Kam and the presidential secretary Kim Sung-jin, secretary to social innovation, and the Minister of Public Administration and Security respectively presented the five representative cases of the Ministry of the Environment.

In the first part, 20 institutions with excellent evaluation of innovation (5 cit President's Office, 5 Prime Minister's Quote 15) were selected as the best institutions for evaluation of innovation in 2017, Public Awards Ceremony and presentation of the case of innovation by the Government . Part 2 will share the status of the promotion of innovation and future plans of the government.

The announcement of best practices will be announced directly by people who have experienced the policy, not by government officials.

Kim Bu-gum, Minister of Public Administration and Security, said: "After the establishment of the" Global Plan for Implementing Government Innovation ", the Ministry of the Public Administration and Home Affairs C & # 39; is the process of establishing the direction of innovation and preparing the ground, "he said," it is time that concrete results are achieved on the basis of the institutions ". "We hope to share and spread the best practices of government innovation that people can experience through meetings," he said.

Kim In-Soon, a security expert, said [email protected]

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