MegaZone Wins IT Grand Prix at the 2018 Korea Innovation Award


The Cloud Company's Mega-Zone Wins the IT Grand Prix at the "Korea Innovation Grand Prix" held on the third floor of the National Assembly's main office on the 12th July.

  Lee Joo-wan of Mega
<메가존의 이주완대표가 2018 코리아 혁신 대상에서 IT 부문 대상을 수상했다.>

In this awards ceremony, the honor of the honor of the members of the National Assembly who gleaned the Republic of Korea with a spirit innovative work and people from all walks of life have been honored. Recipients of the Korea Innovation Grand Prix 2018 were selected by the "Korea Innovation Selection Committee 2018", composed of experts and professors in each field, and by the journalists.

Mega Zone CEO, Lee Joo-wan, received the 2018 Innovation Awards IT Sector Grand Prize, as he has acquired skills and excellence as a leader in the Korean market of # 39; s computer.

MegaZone is a cloud computing company with approximately 550 employees, one of the largest Cloud Management Service Providers (MSPs) in Korea. As the first partner of Amazon Web Services (AWS) in 2012, he was first selected as the Premier Consulting Partner by the world's leading partner in 2015 and is currently the largest partner in the business. 39; AWS.

W Provide cloud MSP service to international customers, both domestically and abroad. The AWS cloud support service provides one-stop services throughout the cloud lifecycle, from design, deployment, operations, security / backup, 24-hour support / 24 and 7 days / 7 @

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