Military negotiations between South Korea and North Korea, which failed to issue a joint press release – Kookmin Ilbo


North Korea and South Korea reach a consensus on the withdrawal of the pilot demonstration of the generalist in the demilitarized zone, the demilitarization of the Pan-Moon joint security zone, the discovery of common remains in the area demilitarized and the suspension of hostilities.

According to the badysis, however, the North Korean military authorities were not able to confirm the results of the talks at the consensus level without agreement, holding the 9th general talks at South Panmunjom Peace House and discussion of negotiations for the implementation of the Panmunjom Declaration. Kim Do-Kyun, chief delegate of South Korea, said at a conference: "The two Koreas have reached consensus on the withdrawal of the GP demonstration, the demilitarization of the JSA and the I & # 39; 39, abolition of hostilities against the West Sea.He said.The South has asked for the sending of a North Korean delegation to the "Seoul Security Dialogue", an international event to be held in September, and the northern part expressed its position to present the report after the first report.

Considering that the result of the consensus level is well below expectations, it is estimated.The South Korean and North Korean military authorities have failed to announce a joint press release adopted during the June 14 general talks. "

Four things that the military authorities of South and North Korea have formed consensus are not much improved compared to the Declaration of Panmunjom's military deal, "said Kim. . In addition, the issue of creating a peace zone in the NLL of the West Sea continued to be debated. "It's not so simple to match the views in the big picture," said a senior official at the Department of National Defense, "It's also significant that we were willing to pull the GPs out of each other. "

Is weaker than expected, it is badyzed that it reflects the complaint revealed by North Korea about the attitude of the South recently. Newspapers of the North Korean Labor Party have publicly expressed strong dissatisfaction with the South over today's comments. The labor newspaper said: "The South Korean authorities say they will only do not make money, like joint reviews and joint research, and that they will waste time . " If South Koreans complain of an action I do not think the situation will be improved. "Meanwhile, the Kaesong Industrial Complex was reactivated and strongly urged the resumption of Kumgangsan tourism.

On the same day, Deputy Minister of Unification Chun Hae-sung will visit the Mt. Geumgang region. in North Korea where will be held the 1st, and the head of the armed forces of the Republic of Korea, Ahn Iksan, We will encourage people on our side who are renovating the meeting facility. they said that the labor newspaper called for the resumption of the Kaesong Industrial Complex and the resumption of tourism at Mount Kumgang,! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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