Min Yura Ice Dance, Gilgin Joe


  The country of ice dancing, Alexander Gerglin (left) and Min Yoo. [연합뉴스]

The country of Figure Skating Ice Dance Alexander Gerglin (left) and Min Yoo. [연합뉴스]

Mingyura (23 years old) – Alexander Gerglin (25 years old), who was a fan of the beautiful performance of Arirang, played as a Korean national team at the Olympic Winter Games Ice PyeongChang 2018. This is not a good farewell, but a situation where two people play a game of truth about "who provided the cause of the demolition".

Gehryn wrote a long article on social media (SNS) on the 18th. In this article, he promised to play the Korean national team at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, but Min Yoo decided to dismantle the team saying, "I am honored to be a Korean national and I have played at the Olympics.I will cherish the memories of the Pyeongchang Olympics.Thank you for your support. "

On the 19th day, Min-Yura reprimanded the SNS. Sung Yoo first stated: "I had a lot of contacts and I discovered that Ghilin had posted on SNS." I did not know Gerglin's statement of dismissal. He said, "We adapted our new program with Gerglin, but there was a change. Geldin was so lazy that coaches warned him over the past two months that he had promised to work hard but he did not work hard and he said that he did not would not do it again. He said, "There has not yet been an official decision on dismantling," said Kim Taek-yong, Min-Yura's director of marketing.

The SNS battle of Min-Yura and Gerglin was turned into a mud fight surrounding the truth. "I was shocked by Minu Yura and his parents acting sneakily," Gullien told the SNS in the afternoon of 19. "Eura or coach never mentioned my attitude of coaching. All the content that Minsyura claims is a lie. I have evidence to prove it. "

The conflict between the two actually started right after the PyeongChang Olympics.First, donations were different.Two people who did not have enough money for training opened their accounts on the US fundraising site "High Fund Me" last December and raised donations, the initial fundraising goal was $ 50,000 and, when the Olympics cost $ 50,000, the goal was was $ 100,000 Moon Jae-in became a hot topic as he was involved in funding both inside and outside the company. $ 1,000 (about $ 1.13 million) in private money.

By the end of February, he had raised $ 124,440 (about 140 million won) The cost of training for both is 39, about $ 200,000 a year For the two non-sponsors, the grant of $ 124,440 was not enough for open training costs. However, my parents worried that if I had too much money, I would lose my heart when I started. I will accept my heart now. "Gellin, who was not economically generous, wanted to continue raising funds." Gehrynin also revealed that "in February, during the Olympics," his parents paid their old age funds for the Olympics "

Gyungryun is a Korean national who has chosen Korean nationality.Gyorin is a naturalized American at the invitation of Min Yura for the Pyeongchang Olympics.If two people do not work together, they may not be able to play as a national representative. "The use of contributions allegedly paid by Koreans is also a problem." I do not know how the funds are used, but if you are wondering about the content, I will pbad it on to Gellin. "He said. In response, Gerglin insisted that "the contributions were distributed according to the consent of both families".

Kim Taekyong said, "All donations are managed by Gyorin parents." Mindra has a great sense of responsibility that "donations should be as good as the money they've collected." So, at the Beijing Olympics, I tried to increase the intensity of the training with the idea of ​​winning a medal.

Min-Yura Geldinjo was ranked 18th out of 20 teams in the PyeongChang Olympic Figure Ice Dance.

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