Minister of Industry Baek Ung-hee, do not increase electricity bills for industrial use


The Minister of Industry and Commerce, Baek Woon-kyu, recently introduced the controversial possibility of raising the price of light industrial electric car.

Baek Woon-kyu, a Minister of Industry, met with reporters in Sejong, on the 16th, nearby, saying: "The problem of light industrial electricity bill I will try to d & # 39; # 39; adjust the speed, "he said," I will not say that I will increase it. "

Minister Baek said the postponement of the rate hike by the Minister of Finance, Mr. Kim Jong-keup, recently noticed that KEPCO's president was late in the night, C is the government's position on the implications of this increase. Although KEPCO has raised issues of industrial electricity billing, the government is evolving.

Instead, the possibility of further increases was raised because US trade policy has heightened the sense of crisis in the steel and auto industries. Minister Baek explained: "Now, the problem of the electricity bill is that steel companies have to deal with the problem of trade frictions in the trade rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO). 19659002] In fact, the major developed countries have tried to impose anti-dumping duties by putting the WTO demand or anti-dumping duty on Korea's industrial electric fuels, In recent years, the Department US trade examined the countervailing duties imposed on domestic steel companies and the US steel companies baderted that KEPCO's bill was a subsidy.

The industry also insists on the need to investing in the energy sector.

In the context of the export of nuclear power plants, he announced his business plan for Europe's East, planning to reduce the electricity bills of the industry through companies capable of increasing energy efficiency, such as smart factories. And plans to carry out a nuclear sales road show in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia in September. With regard to the auto survey of the 232nd clause of the US Trade Expansion Act, "Americans and the business world fully understand our position and say that it is not the target of Korea ". "We are the fourth largest importer in the United States and we must take into account the magnitude of the US trade deficit in the automotive sector," he said, "We expect that the law on the automotive industry will be the next. automotive trade expansion will be similar to that of steel. "

Ministry of Industry and Politics (Sejong) reporter [email protected]

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