Ministry of National Defense, Chinese Army Entry KADIZ in China


[Ministère de la Défense nationale] Kim Sung-jin, a reporter for the Department of National Defense, protested against the infiltration of a Chinese military aircraft KADIZ in Korea

(19659002) The Department of National Defense stated : "The International Commissioner for Politics, February 27 and March 4, 2006," We regret that the Korean army looks seriously because we entered our KADIZ without notice and have been sailing for a long time near our territorial waters,

In advance, at 7:10 am the same day, the Chinese military aircraft, estimated to be a Y-9 reconnaissance aircraft,

According to Chiefs of Staff the military aircraft headed north of Pohang-Southeast at 8:53 and took off about 40 nautical miles (about 72 km) from the coast,

The aircraft military finally broke KADIZ at 11:27, following the road that led the navy south to 21 h19


After the KADIZ invasion of the Chinese military aircraft in the southwest region, the army immediately trained and supervised 10 fighters of the army of Air, including the F-15K.

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