Ministry of Science and Technology, Scientific and Technological Cooperation Creation of 10,000 jobs


[아이뉴스24 김문기 기자] The Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Information and Communication announced a strategy to create 10,000 jobs through the Science and Technology Cooperative

Ministry of Science and Technologies (Ministry of Information and Communication)

Co-op Week will promote understanding of the co-op during the first week of July of each year and promote the activities of the co-op in July each year. It's a commemorative day for.

This strategy aims to revitalize the social economy based on science and technology and to foster new innovators in the science and technology services sector.

In recent years, social cohesion Economic enterprises are emerging as an alternative to solving the problems of people's lives and creating jobs.

In the field of science and technology, cooperatives are used by individual cooperatives to promote their individual expertise. There is a demand for a meaningful enterprise such as social contribution.

Since the Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) started to cultivate cooperative cooperatives in 2013 (first stage), sales of the cooperative cooperative

However, the number still represents than 2% of total cooperatives, and it is emphasized that the scale of small size, lack of awareness, lack of business activation, etc.

In this regard, the Ministry of Information and Communication of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOGAHA) aims to overcome these limitations and to use the expertise of technological cooperation and potential labor,

The strategy aims to create 1,000 cooperative badociations and to create 10,000 unionized jobs by 2022.

In order to develop the co-operative of the existing scientific and technological cooperatives, it is necessary to establish a clbad mam-made

Activation of the market for scientific and technological services such as the research industry, the science industry and the culture, industry, security management research, and so on.

In order to promote the formation of new cooperative cooperatives, it is necessary to find ideas from marketing to marketing. And support for one-stop start-ups, etc. to develop and disseminate different models of cooperative business (BM)

Strengthen the education and promotion of pre-union members through on-the-job training, tailor-made education , etc., and cooperatives to support the creation of cooperative cooperatives.

Through this strategy, the Ministry of Information and Communication announced that it would expand the cooperative cooperative market to work there and promote a positive awareness of cooperative cooperatives.

Lee Jin-kyu, First Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Information and Communication, said: "This strategy of growth of innovation must be implemented in such a way as to allow the development The cooperative is a new industry of science and technology and is based on science and technology to cultivate the subject to solve the problem of life by people "He said: "We are looking forward to developing cooperative technology as an alternative to catching two rabbits in growth-induced growth through innovation and income," he says.

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