Ministry of the Earth, Transit Improvement Competition Based on Big Data


Improvement Plan Including Route Optimization, Securing Time … The Department of Land, Transportation and Maritimes announced on July 29 that it would be launching a competition for the improvement of mbad transport based on the "large data-driven public participation plan" that suggests solutions to the public transport problem from the point of view of users.

In this competition, unlike existing competitions that gather the ideas of participants unilaterally, local governments can discover the issues of local public transport and proceed with the method of bidirectional participation to solve the problem to the people.

Provide transit survey data so you can badyze it directly and present solutions. This data is the "Survey on the status of public transport", implemented since 2006 to support the effective implementation of the public transport policy. Includes the use and operation of public transit, the state of public transit facilities, the level of public transit service by region and the satisfaction of users.

  Ministry of the Earth, Big Data Public Transport Improvement Competition

Public subscription topics are "solving public transport problems of government and local governments", "model development of public transport business, "& # 39; The excellent entries that have contributed to the development of the business model will support the institute's presentation, the case collection, etc., and the consultation will be conducted for the ideas that we have. can find

. It can be composed of up to 3 people by forming a team. Participants can present a solution to each topic on a paper or proposal. The registration and submission of the competition are made until 14 September. On September 18, we will review the documents and notify the result on October 2.

The final results of the selection will be announced on November 2, after the adoption of the documents. The prize will be awarded as Grand Prize, Excellence Award and Incentive Award by subjects and general areas, and the total prize will be KRW 13 million

Meanwhile, the Ministry Transport and Tourism will publish its data. It's a plan. Public data is the most recent data since 2015, including the operation and use of public transport, transportation and user satisfaction, transit facilities and the survey on the level of minimum service

"The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport should present an innovative solution based on mbad data of public transport." (D, s, id) {19659007] “/>

Journalist Ryu, Jung Min [email protected]

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