"Mission Impossible Fallout," "Incredible 2," "Pirates of the Sea Storm", a summer theater dominated by the heroes | Entertainment Fernand


Heroes Receive Summer Theaters

From 19459007, <미션 임파서블: 폴아웃> to <해적왕 작스톰> who announce the birth of a new hero, Mission: Impossible: Fallout, which was unveiled on 25 , was ranked first for 4 days according to the integration of cinema entrance tickets.

<미션 임파서블: 폴아웃> is the most powerful spying agency in the world, the main IMF agent, Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise), and his team launched a mission to prevent terrorist organizations from possessing nuclear weapons , C is a movie that tells more unpredictable stories.

Meanwhile, the history of the family of superpowers, reunited by its special ability, took second place with 1 194 477 people per day.

Mom & # 39; Helen & # 39; plays a national hero & # 39; Ilastigirl & # 39; and his father & # 39; Bob & # 39; plays a parental hero who takes care of three parents and sisters. And the fight with the unidentified villain in the emergence of the superpower family once again shows the ability to "incredible" is the story. It will be released on the 19th and will capture the audience with the animation of the series made in 14 years. <미션 임파서블: 폴아웃> the next blockbuster, is a blockbuster action where the best spy, Ethan Hunt, and the IMF team must put an end to their inevitable missions with all the goodwill to return to the worst.

<해적왕 작스톰> <해적왕 작스톰> An ordinary boy who dreams of an Internet star, falls in the Bermuda Triangle, and the young man who dreams of an internet star falls into the Triangle Bermuda. A maritime adventure adventure with a journey to become the ultimate king of pirates. The "Little Storm," an adventure to get back from the Bermuda Triangle, is an ordinary character from boy to hero, heralding the birth of a new hero who has never been seen before. In addition, the dynamic marine action of the strongest Dream Team, including Captain 'Little Storm', 'Calla Brbad & # 39; and & # 39; Girl Crush Atlantian Princess & # 39; CC, is expected to attract preliminary hearings in July. .

The competition for the summer theater is expected to continue for some time, with <인크레더블 2><미션 임파서블: 폴아웃> and <미션 임파서블: 폴아웃> announcing the birth of a new Captain Hero to capture the seven seas, 19659002] Myeongdong Kyungdong reporter [email protected]

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