[MK이슈] Does Kim Jae-dong take KBS News?


[매일경제 스타투데이 양소영 기자]

The news that Kim Jae-dong, a broadcaster, is in charge of KBS's news program has been reported.

The KBS Public Union issued a statement on the 31st of last month titled "The KBS News anchor will be taken over by Kim Jae-dong?

The public union said: "Since the inauguration of the administration of Moon Jae-in, left-wing people have broadcast KBS's main current business program, and This time, the anchor of news,

The KBS official said on the Daily Economic Today: "Kim Jae-dong is on line". the day of the Daily Economic Daily Today, saying, "I will use Kim Jae-dong." "Fairness, objectivity, balance, Kim Jae-dong is under discussion, and the organization is not finalized."

Kim Jae-dong's current affairs program will be held from Monday to Thursday at 10 pm It is expected to be broadcast in about 30 minutes in the 11th period.

KBS Press Association reported that the news program "KBS News Line" would be replaced by & KBS News Line & # 39; when the program of the event of 'KBS News Line & # 39;

Kim Jae-dong has been MC in many programs. However, there are several concerns about the news that KBS will be in charge of the current program. There is a bias based on the political trend of Kim Jae-dong, and the view that the news calendar is being harmed.

It should be noted that Kim Jae-dong will take over the progress of the new KBS program

Here is the KBS statement on the public union

It is said that he will use Kim Jae-dong, an actor comedian, at the anchor of news.

KBS has to broadcast a new type of information program that the PDs do KBS1TV night between 10:00 and 11:00, and we know that they are discussing the issue of programming.

However, the production of this information program also calls PD. In addition, the anchor of the program is not a journalist or an advertiser.

Journalists journalists responded sensitively to journalists 'meetings by organizing journalists' meetings. Rather than questioning Kim Jae-dong's choice of an anchor point, it seems that it is a vigilance with regard to the participation of the PD in the news that the reporters have done.

PDs claim to be current events rather than news, but reporters seem to judge them as news.

However, what is disturbing, it is not the problem of the invasion of the disciplinary field, but the question of fairness, objectivity, of course. balance, and also partiality.

At the time of the administration of Roh Moo Hyun, KBS produced an information program entitled "Sisa Tonight". At that time, however, the program was known more frequently than the content of broadcasting.

It is again emphasized that KBS could fall into the controversy of the time. As revealed by Kim Jae-dong's Anchorman, there are fears that KBS will not produce new fair and objective ones, but will create a bias-focused and camp-specific information program. In addition, the general manager of the information program, PD, has created a controversial program entitled "There is no evidence that Cheonan is a North Korean act".

Television protests continue due to bias and distortion of KBS information and programs.

Now, spectators regularly come to KBS to protest. In this situation, if KBS strengthens bilateralism rather than the equitable relationship, it is only a shortcut to breaking the KBS and betraying all the people. KBS could be ridiculed because "the news is like gag and comedy".

Stop Kim Jae-dong's news immediately. Otherwise, people will not let KBS go.

[email protected]

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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