[MK이슈] "My assault on the team" mask the incarnation … Chevin vs Ace deeply deepening


[매일경제 스타투데이 박세연 기자]

Boy group mask is noisy every day with badault suit in the team.

The badault on the mask was revealed on the 26th while SNS posted a nuance that member Chibin was badaulted by the same team member. Ace members have been identified by Internet users as a party to the aggression.

Chivin argued that the Ace had been a victim of one-sided aggression and that the Maldonian members had also been badaulted in an attempt to move together to take up the lesson on March 8 in the ## 147 ## 39; exposure.

Since then, Ace made a direct impression on the 28th via SNS that Chibin's claim is not true. Ace said, "I'm sorry for the difficulties of many people, and I'm so sorry for the fans who trusted me and loved me, and I'm sorry for the members who have been with me. "But it's not true that he was absent for five months without apology, and he has all the responsibility for the empty period, terminated the company contract , is removed from the team, and has completed the police investigation. "

" I hope the fans, the mask members and the precious people who saved the masks by one-sided claims on one side will not be hurt twice more, I'm sorry for my immaturity and again I'm sorry I would continue to support the masks in the future, and I would like to ask your attention and your generosity. "

Ace posted music with his heart I'm sorry I'm sorry to have done such a thing once I'll see you again and I'll tell you," The song starts with an apology saying: "I'm in hell, I missed my mistake, I shook my hand and held my hand tight.But now everything burns like you burn fire."

In response, Chibin quickly refuted the fact that he was "a selfish person who only thinks of himself until the end." Chivin said, "I never wanted to leave the team. "The author left Katok about two hours ago:" I do not know how to confuse everyone by writing music. "I do not know what is actually a novel, "he said.The message that Chibin published together shows that he will leave the team and apologize.

Ace then apologized, but also stated that he was categorical about the false facts.

Chivin also said, "Tell me what is different from the truth, what is the exaggerated part," he said, "I reveal it once again, but he is true that I submitted it to the company and the police.

Mask is an eight-member band that debuted in 2016 with the Strange (Strange) mini album, and released an album "Do It" (Do It) in October last year, despite the muddy fight between the members.

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