MK News – [뉴스 & 분석] "The shock of employment is due to the minimum wage" … Kim Tae-yeon


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Kim Dong-yeon, Minister of Economy and Minister of Finance and Economy, admits for the first time that jobs have been lost in certain industries and age ranges. I have stressed once. In addition, Hong Young-pyo met with the Democratic Party delegation and urged them to speed up the regulatory reform legislation.

The badysis triggered the "growth of innovation" which was Kim's trademark and began to restore the status of control tower encompbading global economic policy by issuing a voice on the growth driven by income.

Kim met with reporters immediately after an economic pact held at the Seoul government headquarters on Dec. 12, stating, "The impact of the increase in the minimum wage can be detected in employment lethargic of some industries and age groups. "

This is the first time that a statement has been made specifically about the negative impact of the 16.4% increase in the minimum wage this year among Cheong Wa Dae and senior officials of the government.
Kim said, "The overall impact should be badyzed." However, I think the minimum wage is influenced by certain sectors like wholesale and retail trade, the hotel and restaurant industry, youth and some age groups such as 55-64. Prior to that, Mr. Kim said that the minimum wage should remain until April. In May, the National Assembly declared that the minimum wage had an impact on employment and wages.

However, when the National Statistical Office announced on June 11 that the number of workers remained around 100,000 for the fifth month of the announcement of June's employment trend He also noted the specific impact of the minimum wage.

In particular, he said: "We should examine the current rate of growth of the minimum wage taking into account the recent economic situation, employment conditions, the impact on vulnerable groups and market capacity rather than 10,000 won by 2020 "" The minimum wage committee is expecting a rational decision. "
Inside and outside the government, Kim Dong-yeon, who served as president of the economy since joining the Cheong Wa Dae Policy Office, said: "After the reorganization from the political hall of Cheong Wa Dae last month, I will discover. "The employment situation is the most serious situation in the Korean economy since the financial crisis," Kim said in an economic speech on December 12.

A senior official from Cheong Wa Dae's political bureau met with Maeil Business the day before and said, "I am strictly watching the economic situation. Prior to the reorganization, the policy office of Cheong Wa Dae said: "It takes time for the effect of the policy to take effect." It is a sign that Cheong Wa Dae and l & # 39; Government economic team now sing a single tone.

In this situation, it is said that Kim Young-joo, the Minister of Employment and Labor, is still the only person who has a unilateral pro-union movement. The Minister, Minister of Minimum Wage, is silent on the need to "speed up" publicly. "If we raise the minimum wage by 16.4% last year, we will have more income polarization," he reiterated, noting that "this part is a constant role for the government."

He also met Hong Young-pyo, leader of the Democratic Party, and urged him to speed up the reform of the legislation in the National Assembly. Kim said: "The 11th (unfavorable) employment statistics were released and external risks such as the US-China trade conflict were unacceptable." "To increase economic vitality and create more jobs, "he said Hong said:" Regulatory issues are not actually encouraged because the Democratic Party is not a pbadive or internal coordination, "he said. added. "At the end of August, the government and the ruling party will have to We will have a consistent opinion. Kim Tae-young, chairman of the Democratic Policy Policy Committee, said he would do his best to deal with the so-called law on regulatory innovation, including the revision of the Financial Innovation Support Act.

[조시영 기자 / 손일선 기자 / 김태준 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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