MK News – 0% commission fee this year against small business


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  photo description A shop owner turns off a few lights at a convenience store in Dangjin, Chungnam on the 15th.

While Gunsan's economy has been hit hard by the closure of the Gunsan factory and mbadive unemployment of employees, leases and sales prices have been tied to commercial buildings, commercial premises and to commercial premises.

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The government will put in place a system that will reduce the settlement commission rate to 0% in order to ease the burden of managing self-employed workers. The plan is to prevent landlords from unilaterally denying leases of at least 10 years and increasing the amount and amount of EI premiums for small business owners.

On the 18th, the measures taken by the government to support the small self-employed were confirmed at the meeting of Economic Relations Ministers held by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning and Finance Kim Dong-yeon.

In order to reduce the credit card burden of small business owners during this year, he decided to build a private payment system called `If the system is built, the payment commission for small independent businesses whose turnover is less than 300 million won can be reduced from 0.8% to 0%.
A comprehensive map reorganization plan will be completed this year. Earlier this month, a plan to reduce the burden of fees for businesses with a small amount of regulation, such as convenience stores, bakeries and pharmacies, will be implemented by the end of this month.

The "Job Stability Fund", which supports monthly wages of 130,000 won per month for every worker with less than 30 employees, will continue to be supported in the 3,000 billion won. next year.

We will add 1,000 trillion won to the "HaeNa Lee" loan, which will reduce interest rates by 1.3 percentage points for small business owners and consider using vacant stores to reduce rents.

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  Description of the photo The Korea GM Gunsan factory closed its doors on the 31st afternoon in a Gunsan restaurant, Jeonbuk. [연합뉴스]

We expect to obtain the right to request renewal of the lessee's contract for five years, and plan to arrange for the lessee to protect the lessee when the contract is refused due to demolition or of reconstruction.

The Ministry of Labor decided to increase the monthly subsidy for small businesses from 1.45 million won to 1.73 million won. The amount of support also goes from 30% to 50% of the premium.

For the 35,000 small independents struggling to repay their debts, the government plans to anticipate unproductive loans of 480 billion won (starting in 2017).

Co-ops with more than 60% of all union members will reduce the interest rate by 0.2% and increase funding for repair and renovation projects at older motels and inns.


[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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