MK News – Challenge Dana Diet … Changed other activities


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Description of the imagePhoto of the Dana Diet Challenge = A life & # 39; re-wing & # 39;

[MBN스타 신미래 기자] Dana defies the diet. Upon arrival on SM's YouTube channel last week, the main character's character, Piero, in the video presentation, which became a hot topic with around 500,000 views, was revealed as the heavenly Ji Hee Dana.

The Life Chain produces the reality show "Re-Wing Dana" for the self-esteem of singer Dana.

First broadcast on December 4th. Before that, the 21st edition will take place at 5 pm on the YouTube channel for life.

In 'Da Me Da', I made my debut as a solo singer at the age of 16, and actress Dana who played an active role in a band Heavenly girl, jihee, has regained her self-esteem by achieving 200% of the diet process to lose weight. I will bring it to you.

Lifetime has released a new image of "Da Me Da" which reveals the current status of Dana, who has kidnapped her pierologist "

In this video presentation, Dana shows her joyful daily greeting her fans for a long time. Dana showed a fun and joyful routine of dancing and singing, no matter what the time and place, and made a difference from her previous appearance. In this video, Dana revealed her desire to diet in the future.

After seeing Dana appear in public for a long time, fans say: "I'm so surprised but I'm happy to see you in a long time", "Thank you for waiting so long,

I am waiting to see me. "

In addition to her realistic challenge of dieting through "Da, Da, Da, Da", Dana reveals to the public for the first time the distinct and simple plot and humorous personality that n & # 39; 39 have not been disclosed. The life chain is attracting a lot of attention because she plans to show her self esteem with Dana. Reporter Shinmirae [email protected]

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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