MK News – Detailed Execution Plan Beyond the Examination … Timely Control of the National Assembly and NIS


◆ Additional martial law documents ◆

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  Photo caption A Cheong Wa Dae spokeswoman Kim Kim and the head of Cheong Wa Dae explained the details of the martial law documents on 20. [김재훈 기자]

It was confirmed that the details of the martial law plan prepared by the Military Forces Command at the time of the government were included in the details of the martial law revision and the plan of the martial law. 39, detailed execution. Choi Seon-sil, the former chairman of the National Peace Farm, said that Park Geun-hye had been indicted and that concrete proposals to obtain power through martial law were being simulated in anticipation of the rule of law. social insecurity.

The details of the emergency plan, which Cheong Wa Dae unveiled on the same day, were created with the previously known "Martial Arts and Work Plan". There are detailed guidelines for the success of martial law. The details of the emergency plan are in four main headings, including a step-by-step intervention plan, the declaration of martial law, the declaration of martial law, and the application of the martial law.

A spokesman for Cheong Wa Dae said, "This data is completely different from the martial law manual, which is established every two years in accordance with the normal procedure of Joint Chiefs of Staff.

In the document, the governor plans to quickly monitor the National Assembly, the National Intelligence Service and the media and plan a detailed control. In addition, the situation in which the execution of martial law was considered, such as the declaration of the proclamation of the martial law of emergency, the declaration and the proclamation of martial law, was written in advance. Kim's spokesman said: "In the case of the door, the documents will be published in March 2017 and the documents will be published at the announcement of martial law on October 26, 1979 and the 1980 (May 17 ). " In particular, the document states that "to succeed martial law, it is crucial for martial success, whether it be preventative measures such as the declaration of martial law with the security and control of the main martial law" He has also mentioned the possibility of intervention of some military groups that would destroy the military command system. The delegation recommended that the Chief of the Defense Staff be appointed Commander of Martial Law. Kim said: "Contrary to the normal martial manual, it contains the judgmental elements and the result of the review, which excludes the president of the chiefs of staff and recommends the chief of staff of the army as marshal commander ". The specific location of the martial law command is also reported. In addition, 494 key facilities, as well as Gwanghwamun and Yeouido, are expected to meet in the field of mechanized divisions, armored brigades, special forces, such as martial arts intervention forces should also be put in place immediately. It also plans to use military tanks and armored vehicles at night to take control of major areas and block candlelight vigils.

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There is also a plan to prevent martial law from being rejected in the National Assembly.

First, through the discussion of the ruling party, the ruling party, the free Korean parliamentarians, was excluded from the vote of "rejection of martial law." In addition, opposition MPs focused on the opposition party in consideration of small and large parliamentary policy at the time, and established a policy to achieve less than & # 39; 39, a quorum. In detail, the maternal command declared "Prohibition of rallies and demonstrations" and "Prohibition of prohibition of political activities in the anti-government government" and issued a warning on strict treatment such as the investigation violations in case of violation. I will stop. According to Article 77 of the Constitution, when martial law is triggered, the National Assembly plans to cancel the regulations for the release of martial law by majority.

The National Intelligence Service was created to collect information on national trends. First, the president orders the president of the National Intelligence Agency to follow the command and control of the rally commander. In addition, the NIS control plan is included in martial law documents, such as the second deputy director of the NIS to badist the marshall commander.

President Moon Jae – ordered the same day to see the same documents and make them public.

[강계만 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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