MK News – Developed AI Do · VR Rehabilitation Device & # 39; from here 2023


The government plans to develop a new concept of medical device such as an artificial intelligence device (AI) and virtual reality rehabilitation (VR) until 2023.

On April 24, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Communication (MIC) held a kick-off workshop on the Bio-Robot Artificial Intelligence medical convergence technology development project in El Tower, Seoul. The project, jointly promoted by the Ministry of Information and Communication, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Food and Drug Administration, will invest in total 42 billion won over nine years.

The AI ​​development team develops a custom primer using 3D printing and AI algorithms

The main objective of the research is to make the custom water adapted to the cutting site using 3D printing and badyze the biological signals of patients with AI.
Researchers who develop medical devices for rehabilitating the cranial nerve develop medical rehabilitation devices using VR monitoring technology and real-time brain activity. Continuing education in rehabilitation is essential for the recovery of movement disorders due to cerebrovascular accidents. However, in existing rehab training, it is difficult to get enough treatment time because the therapist needs help. Therefore, it is possible to maximize the rehabilitative effect by improving patient participation by using the content using VR and augmented reality (AR), by realizing the medical device rehabilitating independently of the patient. time and place, Expected.

In addition, the development of the necessary technology for the real medical field, such as an augmented reality treatment system for spine surgery, and an artificial intelligence endoscope for the On-site diagnosis is also performed

. The government will provide R & D support, as well as licensing and licensing services, so that new medical devices based on innovative technologies will enter the market and benefit the public. In the early stages of R & D, the pharmacy agency begins to prepare licenses, and the Ministry of Health and Welfare is preparing new insurance premiums and badessment of medical technologies. In addition, the government plans to promote the medical device sector, which integrates the medical device development projects that each department has conducted individually. The Ministry of Information and Communication said: "We are preparing a preliminary feasibility study with the aim of launching the project in 2020".

[원호섭 기자][ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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