MK News – Domestic sales office in the same office, sales abroad are in the … Nono Conflict worry


◆ week first week of 52 hours ◆

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'Life with an evening or a short life. & # 39; ;

The reality of the first week of July, when the reduction of 52 hours a week was implemented seriously, was as diverse as the concerns and expectations that were raised before the introduction of the system.

Company employees who worked 52 hours a week prior to the implementation of large corporations were in favor of full execution. Indeed, companies have put in place a system that guarantees the lives of their employees in the evening in various ways, such as the total amount of work needed to work only for a specified period of time and the PC off. .

However, "tricks" such as working methods to avoid attendance management programs or the use of PCs that do not stay in commercial files still exist.

Employees who wanted to finish their work on time because they lacked hours of work due to lack of substitute labor accepted their complaints.
An electronics manufacturer worked for 52 hours a week, running a pilot for a year before paying attention to setting up the system. But there was still a shortcut. Employees should regularly enter the time of use of their PC on the company intranet If the purpose of use is "language study", the time available is extended from 2 to 3 hours and this time is used as extra work.

In order to avoid leaving overtime records, a distributor had to send the necessary data to the computer of an early clerk at night and have them work at night. Due to the nature of the distribution industry, the end of the month and the beginning of the month were busy, so I kept working 2-3 hours a day over the past two weeks. Ohm, 29, said, "I had been working for about 30 hours in a month, but it was hard for the company to reduce it suddenly."

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  Explanation of photos Employees are leaving at the headquarters of Wemep, Samsung-Dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul on the 6th of last week with the implementation of the 52-hour week [김호영 기자]

The departments were different, and the period of law enforcement was different, and the working time was changed. In a clothing business, two companies work together in one office and employee complaints increase. Both companies deal with the same brand, but their business is divided into domestic and international sales. The company in charge of domestic sales has more than 300 employees and has been reduced by 52 hours a week since last week. However, due to lack of staff, sales companies abroad must monitor the work of their employees at home as there is no change in working hours.

The management companies of the workforce in charge of the promotion staff also showed a lot of problems. One company sent about 2,000 telecom products sales agents to a major mall in response to the Labor Standards Act amendment by shooting two hours of work from 8:00 pm to 6:00 pm after the first day.

However, at the head office, work orders are made before 8 pm and many employees are still waiting.

On the other hand, as leisure time was guaranteed by shortening the hours of work, personal time was used to gain a qualification that helps the job.

Kim Moo (31), who works for a tire manufacturer, said, "I was able to use the evening hours faster because work time is reduced by one hour with the flexible work system. I think to prepare myself. "
Kim Jung-sik, professor of economics at Yonsei University, said: "It is difficult to put in place policies that satisfy everyone in a way that cuts per capita wages instead of wages. increase the employment. "In the microeconomic approach, In the future, the government should meet the six-month grace period by shortening working time by preparing macroeconomic measures such as measures to stimulate the economy. "

[박대의 기자 / 김희래 기자 / 이희수 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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