MK News – Druking in the 18th … Investigating political rights in the body


Completion of sketch by investigation, seizure search, fundraising, recruitment, etc.
Mobile phone discovery …

A Hyeik-bum special investigation team investigating the handling of commentary and the 'Dru King' Kim Dong- pbadport intervention won (49, arrest) arrived on the 18th day of the official investigation on the 14th

According to the Special Rapporteur, the team focused on collecting relevant evidence by drawing a sketch to identify the suspicion of about one third of the 60 days of the basic survey.

Economic Conspiracy Joint Meeting), convened members to investigate, investigate seizures, track funding, and conduct a field investigation. On this basis, the special investigation team plans to begin investigations next week.

The Special Investigation Team opened an official investigation on the J Building at Gangnam Station, near Seoul, on the 27th of last month.

At the preparatory stage of the investigation,

On the second day of the investigation, Druking was arrested and seized the detention center in Uiwang-si, Gyeonggi-do, where he was detained.

The search for a home and office seizure by attorneys Tomo and Yoonmoon, who were trying to apply for a job, was also conducted.

It is known that Dr. King Kim, who is the main culprit in this case, was active in the investigation because he showed a cooperative attitude. Kim said Kim was in a cooperative attitude at the summit, which has been held three times since the 28th of last month.

In fact, Kim first attended the office of the Special Prosecutor's Office, asking reporters (32), Solborn Artta (34) and Wakoi (30), who are judged for manipulating comments of Naver with Kim.

Commentary Kangmo (47), who discusses the automation program commenting on the `Kingkap` server, said` Paros` called `

◇ Lawyer for a staff appointment … Get additional evidence such as mobile phones

The survey also shows progress.

During the police investigation, attorney and attorney Yoon identified the circumstances in which he was deeply involved in handling comments, and he was suspected of interfering with the practice drunk. I went into the accessory. They are a person who has asked Kim Kyeong-soo's governor for a post such as "Osaka Consul General" and "Cheong Wa Dae Administrator".

It is with the investigation that reveals the suspicion of Kim's involvement in revealing whether such a request was made in response to manipulation of comments. [10] In the last 10 days,, and then secured 21 additional mobile phones and 53 additional USIM information.

It is expected that these mobile phones and wisdom information will be related to the operation of Kingkap, and this will be important evidence to prove the allegations.

In addition, I've secured the subscription information and comments on the details of the additional identifiers suspected to be manipulated by comments. It should be used as a clue to clarify when comment handling has progressed to scale.

expect Performance expectancy such as tracing money …

Spies should focus on investigations to investigate allegations of involvement in political circles such as Kim JI a period during the remaining investigation.

Spies follow the illegal history of use of Druking party funds, Account tracking is also underway.

Confirmed the nature of the political fund sponsored by Kim Kyung-mo to Kim Jong-Il, and confirmed the fact that Kim Dae-jung, a former badistant to Kim, 49,

Funding will be completed soon and at the end of this month, it will be launched seriously.

In addition, the task force said that some of the claims of Druk King Kim and Kim Ji-sook are contradictory and, in order to clarify the substantial truth,

Although Kim claims that Governor Kim visited the editor of Elmwood and that he watched the demonstration of Kingkap and approved it, Kim firmly denies it.

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