MK News – Excessive commercial war … 亞 Stock market "direct hit"


◆ Signs of a war with a large-scale commercial war ◆

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President Moon Jae-in, who returned to the official schedule in eight days, attended a high council meeting held at the Cheong Wa Dae Women's Pavilion on February 2, and participants applaud. Mr. Moon has been resting since the 28th of last month on the recommendation of his family doctor with a sequel to Russia and a cold sore.
[청와대 사진기자단]

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Canada applies anti-US retaliation tariffs and the EU has warned of a $ 300 billion retaliation fee. While the trade war aroused by the "American preference" of US President Donald Trump, the global economy shrinks due to declining volume of world trade. On this day, Asian markets including Korea have been affected by the influence.

Canada has announced that it will levy 10% tariffs on 80 US products, including maple syrup, coffee bean, strawberry jam and more than 40% of American iron and steel products of the 1st.

This is a retaliatory tariff for US products worth $ 12.6 billion. The EU has warned that if the US imposes high tariffs on imported cars, there would be a spike in the face of the $ 300 billion of US products from around the world subject to retaliatory tariffs. According to the Financial Times (FT) on Tuesday, the EU has recently received a detailed response from the US Department of Commerce, describing the threat of high rights of the Trump administration. China is expected to collect a 25% tariff on 545 US products as of June 6th. In particular, imports of automobiles imported from the United States will be subject to a 40% tariff, which will add 25% more to the import duty on imported cars by 15%. China is also preparing for the US trade war by devaluing the yuan. The value of the yuan fell 3.3% in June compared to the previous month, the largest decline since 1994.
Prior to this, President Trump urged importers to apply a high tariff by applying Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act, and the Commerce Department is currently investigating whether foreign automobiles impede national security. The Asian stock market collapsed on the 2nd day of the first day of opening the second half of the year while the crisis of the trade wars increased. In particular, the Korean stock market dropped to the lowest of the year. KOSPI closed at 2,271.54, down 54.59 points (2.35%) from the previous trading day. This is the first time that the KOSPI 2300 standard line has collapsed this year. The KOSPI is the lowest level since May 10 (2270.12) last year. It's a 14 month return.

The same day, the institutions sold about 400 billion won in net worth. Individuals and foreigners bought respectively 243 billion won and 115 billion won, but this was not enough to raise the index.

The KOSDAQ index closed at 789.82, down 28.40 points (3.47%) from the previous trading day. This is also the lowest annual. None of the stocks showed a rise in the top 20 of the market capitalization of the day. The Shanghai Composite Index and the Shenzhen Composite Index plunged 2.5% and 1.6%, respectively, the same day.

The Nikkei 225 index fell 2.2% from the previous trading day. The Taiwan index also fell 0.5%.

Stock market experts say: "Contrary to the expectations of investors who are seriously considering the dramatic conclusion, concerns over whether the US-China trade dispute is heading for a large-scale war dominate the stock market." "We were stimulated by the sales volume of programs, which led to the decline in the index."

Seo Sangyoung, a researcher at Kiwoom Securities, said, "Recently, foreigners have sold futures, but they do not seem to spread to systemic risk because they buy low prices while buying In this light, the market is expected to enter the second quarter earnings season, and the possibility of extreme changes is limited due to continued negotiations with the United States and China. "

[뉴욕 = 장용승 특파원 / 서울 = 정슬기 기자 / 김하경 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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