MK News – Favorable Development · Land compensation increases the price … It's the same road as the Roh administration.


◆ The price of the land rises the highest in 10 years ◆

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The price of the national land in the first half of this year reached its peak in ten years after 2008. At the beginning of the year, the government tried to prevent the overheating of the real estate market by putting in place various measures such as the reinstatement of indemnities and security diagnosis, but the boom continues.

In particular, land prices in provinces where the overall atmosphere of the real estate market was poor were noticeable.

Government-led development projects, such as the expectation of development of the border area due to improved inter-Korean relations, and the development of the Smart City and Gyeongbuk Express Railway (GTX) Experts point out that the current situation prevents the rise in housing prices in the participatory government and announced various regulations and paid various types of benefits such as business cities and innovative cities in the high land prices and looks like
This can be confirmed by the fact that the metropolitan municipality, which had the highest rate of land price increase in the nation in the first half of this year, is Sejong (3.49%). Sejong has remained at the top of the national rankings in the first half of last year. The growth rate in the first half was 1.5% in 2015, growing steadily to 2.1% in 2016, 3% in 2017 and 3.49% this year. Land transactions also rose 22.7% from one year to the other to 29,900 cases. The growth rate of transaction volume is close to the economy (23.3%).

The city of Sejong was chosen as the national smart city pilot city at the beginning of the announcement of its successor to the government ministry. "Sejong is expanding transportation networks such as Seoul-Sejong Expressway to various development projects," said Gyu-jung Kim, chief investment trustee of NH Investment and Securities Co., Ltd.. "We are very excited about the transaction and the high growth rate."

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followed by Sejong followed by Busan (3.05%) and Seoul (2.38%). It is the badysis that the maintenance work such as redevelopment and reconstruction have been active in the main downtown area.

This trend is felt even when one looks at the area where the rate of land price increase is high by city, county and distinction. Paju City (5.6%) and Gangwon Goseong County (4.21%) ranked first and second respectively in the country, as the development of inter-Korean relations improved. Other areas such as Yeoncheon-gun (3.44%) and Cheolwon-gun (3.35%) in Gangwon Province also recorded high land prices.

During the first half of last year, land prices in Paju and Goseong were 1.32% and 2.34%, respectively. But the industry explained that the atmosphere has become "different" since the beginning of this year. Paju also adds transportation support to confirm the opening of the GTX-A road. The prospect of benefiting from improved inter-Korean relations led to a sharp increase in "investments in the border area". The Ministry of Land, Transport and Tourism has interpreted the high-grade project as reflecting the expectation that the demand for development will be mainly lifted by Jejun Station (North Sea Station) when tourism from Geumgangsan will resume.

In other regions, "government-led" development projects led to higher land prices. In Daegu, the development of the Seodae KTX zone complex, the development of the Daejeon complex terminal in the Yuseong complex and the development of the hydrophilic Gapcheon area, the rate of increase of the surrounding land prices was high. As the Saemangeum development project in Jeonbuk province, land prices in Buan-gun and other regions have increased significantly, and Jeju has also increased due to investment in the province. English education and Shinhwa Historical Park.

The real estate market is reminiscent of the "participatory government" in the land price trend to increase in the first half of this year. On the other hand, it means that the government looks like the government has paid out various types of benefits, such as commercial cities and innovative cities, and that land prices have gone up. In fact, the total value of individual public sites such as Jinju, Jinju and Gangwon Wonju, whose innovation cities were built, exploded between 2003 and 2008.

(92%), Gyeongbuk Gimcheon (84%) %), Gangwon Wonju (83%) and Gyeongnam Jinju (51%) posted double-digit growth. In addition, the total number of individual public announcements in areas of corporate cities such as Taean County in Chungnam and Chungju in Chungbuk Province increased by 81% over the same period.

Experts have seen that rising land prices in Japan would not be hard to break this year. Professor Shim Kyoung-joon, a professor of real estate at Konkuk University, said: "A lot of cash on the market seems to have pushed up land prices earlier this year," he added. Smart City, Honeymoon Hope Town and other areas rich in development will attract the attention of consumers. "

[손동우 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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