MK News – Flu in winter … Hearts, flu prevention and countermeasures Introduction


Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a flu alert two weeks earlier than last year. There are few cases of influenza A and B viruses. There is concern about overlap or cross infection. Influenza viruses are a greater threat to health-conscious people, including young people, infants, children and the elderly. It is therefore necessary to deploy comprehensive prevention and prevention efforts.

In fact, according to statistics from the Education Bureau of Gyeonggi Province on the 21st of last month, the number of students infected with influenza was 26 The number of infected persons increased by 1 444. Among 75% (5,800 people) of all infected people are primary schoolchildren. Influenza is particularly prevalent among children whose immunity is weakened, which is of greater concern to parents.

HART, a company specializing in indoor air quality management, has introduced the know – how to prevent influenza, which is unheard of in the winter, and is discriminating in the event of an accident. infection.

◆ Immunity against food consuming enough water and adequate body temperature

The main cause of exposure to the flu virus in winter is the cold temperature. When the body temperature is lowered, the immunity is lowered, so it is necessary to eat enough food and water to raise the body temperature in order to maintain the body's homeostasis and prevent the flu .

Jujube is a beneficial material that warms the body and boils the tea with ginseng tea: when it is drunk, circulation circulates and is excellent for protecting the energy of the five days. Honey, consisting of monosaccharides, is absorbed quickly and promotes metabolism, which is effective for the recovery of body temperature and fatigue. In addition, 70% of the human body being composed of water, it is better to drink more than 8 glbades a day.

◆ 90% prevention with influenza and vaccination only

The flu can be prevented up to 90% by vaccination alone. The Department of Health and Welfare recommends that vaccination be administered by November at the latest to ensure an intensive increase in the number of influenza patients from mid-December to early January. It takes two weeks for the antibody to be generated after vaccination. Before vaccination, it is advisable to vaccinate yourself according to your physical condition after consulting a specialist.

It is safe to take a new vaccine even if you missed the vaccination period or last year. Influenza viruses are varied and frequent and, once inoculated, they do not last a lifetime, but lose 20% of their immunity each month. During vaccination, it is recommended that vaccination against pneumonia be combined with vaccination to reduce the risk of pneumonia, a typical complication of influenza.

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◆ Periodic ventilation to manage the quality of indoor air

It is also important to comfortably manage the indoor environment, as the time spent inside the cold naturally increases. In particular, influenza viruses can spread in the air, such as coughing or sneezing in infected people, and the density of viruses in confined spaces also increases. It is therefore essential to maintain the cleanliness of the indoor air through periodic ventilation.

In case of natural ventilation in winter, the Ministry of the Environment recommends that windows be open between 5 am and 10 pm between 10 am and 9 pm with an atmospheric flow and at least 30 minutes three times a day. However, if one wants to avoid natural ventilation due to outdoor air pollution, it is desirable to resort to forced ventilation with the help of mechanical devices.

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HARTZ & # 39; TWINFRESH & # 39; is a mechanical ventilation system designed for residents of single-family homes and villas without ventilation systems. It can simultaneously feed and evacuate the air from an air duct, thus minimizing heat loss and allowing a 90% energy recovery. Even though it's used for a long time, the electrical charge is less than 2,000 won a month, and the G3 clbad filter is used to purify more than 80% of the synthetic dust and boast of a low noise (from 22 to 32 dB)

"Since influenza viruses can spread quickly in schools, nurseries and internal groups, it is important to pay close attention to air quality management when you live in a room. closed, "said Harts. We look forward to helping innovators get through a healthy winter. "

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