MK News – "Gwangju Jobs, Conversion Review"


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Description of the imageIn addition, the Democratic Party held an emergency meeting on the conversion of Gwangju-type job postings, which was attended by Lee Won-wook (third from right) and Yoon Hwoo-deok (second from right). [사진제공 = 연합뉴스]

The ruling Democratic Party, the ruling party, has the first possibility of a "public offer" for poorly supported Gwangju type work.

It is interpreted that it is supposed to put pressure on the parties to the negotiations in a situation where the date of agreement for Gwangju type jobs is practically five days. On the other hand, it is emphasized that the "Plan B" region is specifically mentioned and that individual members collect their districts.

Lee Won-wook, chairman of the Democratic Party's political committee, held an emergency meeting for the conversion of Gwangju-type job offers on the 27th to the National Assembly on 27th and declared : "If no other agreement is reached, it is necessary to create a structure of social confusion."

The deadline for agreement on Gwangju-type jobs is until the second day of next month, the deadline for the budget bill the next year. On the 27th, the 5th, even if the budget process is delayed, there are less than 10 days left. The reason why Gwangju-type jobs are tied to budget processing is that they need a budget of 300 billion won to support infrastructure such as housing. The government and the city of Gwangju have decided to build a 300 billion won infrastructure to support the project, including rental housing, industrial roads, public crèches and gymnasiums. For next year, the budget reflects the national budget of 10.1 billion won.

Gwangju City plans to negotiate with Hyundai Motor Company to get the full authority of the union that day to speed up negotiations, but it is difficult to predict the direction. In the middle of this, the Democratic Party says that "this is not necessarily Guangzhou". They argue that projects such as the Gwangju-type labor market, which have been approved by the tripartite government, should be budgeted next year in the form of a "regular badignment". Even in case of failure of the Gwangju-type settlement, the local government and social partners can get a consensus from other local governments and the government can invest in the approval of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance .

It appears that the allegation of public offer is not related to members' comments. Lee said, "Gwangju-type work is a proper name." He also referred to "Gwangju Kunsan type work, Gwangju Changwon type work, Gwangju Suwon type work, and Gwangju type work".

Gwangju-type jobs are also found in local districts such as Seo Hyung-su (Yangsan) and Park Kwang-chon (Suwonjeong) who attended the meeting.

In reality, however, it is stated that it will not be possible to create a public offer system. Gwangju-type work is a subject that has already been agreed with the unions, civil society and local self-governing entities of Gwangju, and is directly related to the Honam people. As the deadline for Gwangju-type work is on the eve of the plenary session of the budget, it is said that it is not easy to catch the project budget although it is a form allowance at any time.

Party leaders also say: "It is possible after the success of the Guangzhou model". This means that it is premature to review Gwangju-type jobs in other cities once the city of Gwangju has been entrusted with the full bargaining power of the union. Kim Tae-young, chairman of the Democratic Party's political committee, met with reporters that day and said, "After the success of Gwangju, we could create more jobs in social integration that does not exist. Would not have the same model ". But I do not think we'll do what we're going to do in Gwangju from another region. "This is not a party," said the chairman of the steering committee.The third president of the presidency is a member of the policy committee, but it seems that they are not in agreement .

Hong Young-pyo, leader of the Democratic Party, said, "This is because the party is attracting interest in various places, like Gunsan, and it is said that such a competition was held in order to prepare a meeting. plan for concentration and support of the state budget, I know. "

Hong said, "I have not set any goal to do it.I hope to see a spectacular compromise in Gwangju, so I will wait a little longer."

At the same time, the city of Gwangju, to which the union has full authority, plans to resume negotiations without being subject to the agreement in force, and Hyundai Motors' reaction will be taken note of at the same time. to come up. The city of Gwangju has not been able to reduce its gap with Hyundai Motor in terms of wages, hours of work and sustainability, and it has become a new condition for negotiations. Yoon Jong-hye, chairman of the Gwangju Federation of Korean Trade Unions, said, "We have asked for only the four principles of Gwangju-type work, including correct wages, correct working hours, work management responsibilities. ,

[광주 = 박진주 기자 / 서울 = 김효성 기자][ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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