MK News – Humanity unveils video → Inverse Joe Dukje → Janghoon "Fraud" preview … Controversial Warming (Full)


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Description of the imageVideo Release of Bong Minjung, Joe Dukje's Reversal, Jeong Hoon's Fraud Picture = DB

[MBN스타 김솔지 기자] Actor Bae Min-jung revealed the video relating to the badual badault of Joe Duckje. Thus, Joe Duk-jae returned to controversy again and added director Jang-hoon, who remained silent, and announced the "war for the people" as an excuse.

In MBC's "Fake You Believed" broadcast on the 27th, she relayed the truth about false information about Joe Deokje's case.

"I am the victim of false news," he said. "I do not know if I had ever experienced painful days.

I thought it would not be the worst, but it felt like hell every day. "

The production team asked Hwang Min-jung's approval and broadcast a video showing the scene of the incident. In the film, only half of the film was shot in the film, but Jeon Duk-jae said that he had torn his underwear and put his hands in his pants, contrary to the director's instructions. The video that Joe Duk-jae has made public and claims to be unscathed is about the situation before and after the badual harbadment.

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Description of the imageCna Minjung video release photo = "False you thought & # 39; Captured emission

The filmmaker gave the video badysis to a specialist, and an expert said: "It is presumed that there is a possibility of badual harbadment and badual shame".

After the broadcast, Joe Dukje refuted all the content of the "Fake" you believed on SNS. He then asked that all the video be broadcast. "The first and second judges said that they could not judge badual harbadment by watching the video," said Joe Dukje. "The whole video only lasts 4 minutes." I can give you enough information to make sure that Mr.

Director Janghoon, who directed the problematic film, "There is no love", also broke the silence for three years and opened his mouth through the SNS. "He was a geeky chef, a cowardly manager and he spent three years on the bill – it was so hard to know how to do it." So I kept talking up to this point. that I was able to keep, so the bad weather was coming in. I guess it was a rumor, while a part was constantly writing bad novels and making me the axis of evil, the main character of the novel " , did he declare.

"We are doing a fraud.

I went out too far. Do not answer, but with a big heart to bear the patience coat around the horse was able to keep. There is no reason to do it today. I would like to bring out stories that I did not want to go to, "he warned Reporter [email protected]

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